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Results 181-200 of 21,588 for speaker:Denis Naughten

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: General Scheme of the Social Welfare (Bereaved Partner's Pension) Bill 2024: Discussion (2 Jul 2024)

Denis Naughten: If there are other issues that arise beyond this date, I ask FLAC to please communicate with the committee on those, both in terms of the general scheme and the Bill itself when it is published. Every member of this committee and every Member of the Oireachtas wants to make sure that this judgment is applied, not just in principle but in spirit as well. It is important that happens, so...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: General Scheme of the Social Welfare (Bereaved Partner's Pension) Bill 2024: Discussion (2 Jul 2024)

Denis Naughten: No, we would not, and Deputy Ó Cuív is correct that quite a number of those who were denied access to this payment would have been eligible for the one-parent family payment. The cohort affected and the cost involved are quite marginal. I thank the witnesses for their time this evening. I thank FLAC for the advocacy work it does on an ongoing basis, working with many of our...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: General Scheme of the Social Welfare (Bereaved Partner's Pension) Bill 2024: Discussion (2 Jul 2024)

Denis Naughten: The committee will consider the general scheme of the Social Welfare (Bereaved Partner's Pension) Bill 2024 with officials from the Department of Social Protection, as part of the committee's pre-legislative scrutiny. We are joined by Mr. Tim Duggan, assistant secretary for pensions; Mr. Colum Walsh, principal officer, pensions; and Ms Karen Kennedy, assistant principal officer, pensions....

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: General Scheme of the Social Welfare (Bereaved Partner's Pension) Bill 2024: Discussion (2 Jul 2024)

Denis Naughten: I thank Mr. Duggan.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: General Scheme of the Social Welfare (Bereaved Partner's Pension) Bill 2024: Discussion (2 Jul 2024)

Denis Naughten: I might clarify what Deputy Ó Cathasaigh was saying about the evidence given to the committee earlier. The point he was making, and I ask him to tell me if I am wrong, is that the Supreme Court focused on the lack of access to the benefit of the widow's pension for the children. It focused on the children in this case. There were three children as part of this relationship and they...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: General Scheme of the Social Welfare (Bereaved Partner's Pension) Bill 2024: Discussion (2 Jul 2024)

Denis Naughten: Will Mr. Duggan clarify that all applications submitted within six months of the enactment of this legislation will be backdated to 22 January 2024?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: General Scheme of the Social Welfare (Bereaved Partner's Pension) Bill 2024: Discussion (2 Jul 2024)

Denis Naughten: The Deputy is asking about children of that relationship, but they are only cohabiting for two years.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: General Scheme of the Social Welfare (Bereaved Partner's Pension) Bill 2024: Discussion (2 Jul 2024)

Denis Naughten: Yes and the children are of that relationship.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: General Scheme of the Social Welfare (Bereaved Partner's Pension) Bill 2024: Discussion (2 Jul 2024)

Denis Naughten: I thank Mr. Duggan and the team for coming this evening. That concludes the committee's business for today. I thank members for participating in today's meeting. The committee is now adjourned until 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 3 July when we will meet in private session.

Written Answers — Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Agriculture Schemes (2 Jul 2024)

Denis Naughten: 346. To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when a payment will issue to a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28007/24]

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: Public Service Performance Report: Discussion (26 Jun 2024)

Denis Naughten: Apologies have been received from Senator Garvey. Members who participate in the meeting remotely are required to do so from within the Leinster House precincts only. I welcome the witnesses. They are protected by absolute privilege in respect of the presentation they make to the committee. This means they have an absolute defence against any defamation action in respect of anything...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: Public Service Performance Report: Discussion (26 Jun 2024)

Denis Naughten: I thank Mr. Jordan for his opening statement. One of the frustrating things we have seen relates to the delivery of projects under the rural regeneration scheme and the urban regeneration scheme. The Department focus is very much on the rural regeneration scheme. The way this has been structured is in such a manner that it is done through the local authorities or some other sponsoring...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: Public Service Performance Report: Discussion (26 Jun 2024)

Denis Naughten: Would the intention then be to look at potentially putting this funding stream in place for 2025?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: Public Service Performance Report: Discussion (26 Jun 2024)

Denis Naughten: Is that the timeline the Department is working towards?

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: Public Service Performance Report: Discussion (26 Jun 2024)

Denis Naughten: There is a challenge at local authority level. The other side of it relates to community capacity. Some communities are very good at doing this. Deputy Ó Cuív and I have spoken about this previously. Some communities, particularly more disadvantaged urban communities, may not have the capacity and the community leadership is not there. As a result of that, these communities get...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: Public Service Performance Report: Discussion (26 Jun 2024)

Denis Naughten: I accept that, but while the funding is coming from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, it is very much on the community side as well. I know this is more Mr. Moylan's area and he will come in on it in a minute. It is important that those communities are not left behind. There is still that problem in rural communities, some of which also do not have the capacity.

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: Public Service Performance Report: Discussion (26 Jun 2024)

Denis Naughten: Before Mr. Moylan comes in, I have one other supplementary point. Mr. Jordan is correct that this has to go through the local authorities and there is absolutely no point in setting up any other structure or mechanism. However, it comes back to my original point. The capacity is there in some local authorities, and maybe to a certain extent the willingness as well - I do not know - which...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: Public Service Performance Report: Discussion (26 Jun 2024)

Denis Naughten: Before Deputy Ó Cuív comes back in, we have had this out with the Department of Social Protection on a number of occasions. The PSPR is supposed to assist Parliament in its scrutiny of expenditure. However, the rules are being set by the Department of public expenditure and reform on it. We have a very thorough engagement with the Department of Social Protection on this and it...

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