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Results 1-15 of 15 for mother and baby segment:5627560

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Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Mary Ann O'Brien: I thank the Minister of State for attending to listen to us today. I also thank Deputy Jerry Buttimer and the health committee for all of the work put into this Bill. The Bill has been the subject of much debate during recent months and dominated the political agenda. The abortion issue is one that always causes heated debate, with extreme voices on all sides preventing a mature...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Brian Ó Domhnaill: This represents a new low in health care provision. The Supreme Court's judgment concerned an early termination and a different result might have been achieved if it had concerned a later termination. Dr. Sam Coulter Smith, master of the Rotunda Hospital, who gave the consensus view from the hospital said the inclusion of suicidal intent as grounds for a termination was not evidence-based,...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Averil Power: ...When people speak about unwanted pregnancies I cannot but reflect on the fact that I was one. I was the unplanned daughter of a single woman for whom keeping me was never a real option in the Ireland of 1978. I am grateful for the fact that adoption gave me a chance both to be part of another family and to get to know my birth mother and half-siblings later in life, and when some on the...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Paul Coghlan: l thank the Leas-Chathaoirleach and ask him to let me know when I have two minutes left. I welcome the Minister of State again. I thank him for his attendance and the work he has put into the matter. I approach the Bill from a pro-life standpoint. As has often been said, this is a complex and sensitive issue about which one needs to remain calm and avoid division while respecting...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Mary Moran: that it concerns early delivery. Some 22 years ago I had a child at 28 weeks who lived against the odds. Therefore, it does happen. This Bill is 21 years late. The current position is unclear and uncertain and the Bill will bring clarity for mothers who are pregnant and the country. I have thought long and hard about the Bill. I have wrestled with my conscience and looked at the...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Paschal Mooney: respect to those who have arrived at a decision to support the Bill, it is difficult to accept the inference that there is a political motivation behind the decision taken by other Members and that the church has somehow ring-fenced our views. I thought long and hard about my position on this legislation. Ultimately, for all of us, it comes down to a question of conscience. I...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Marie Moloney: I rise to add my voice in support of this legislation and to welcome this debate. Is Ireland a piece of land or is it its people? If our answer is the people, then, whether we like it or not, abortion is a part of life in Ireland. Whether one is pro-life or pro-choice, there is no getting away from that. Although abortion might not be legally permissible in this country, it is a reality...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Jim Walsh: ...I would be debating the most fundamental right, the right to life. With more sadness than anything else, I rise to make this contribution. My guiding principle throughout my life, in politics and outside it, has been that human life is inviolate from conception to natural death. Interrupt it anywhere along the continuum and the rest of that life is obliterated. A mother's life must be...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Fidelma Healy Eames: I thank Senators Feargal Quinn and Mary-Ann O'Brien for moving my reasoned amendment to the Bill yesterday. This Bill has been a momentous journey for me. I came to this debate with an open mind. I was not and am not part of any campaign, pro-life or pro-choice. From the outset, my sole concern has been to ensure that any changes are in the best interests of expectant mothers and their...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Trevor Ó Clochartaigh: ...iste ar an oileán seo de bharr na himpleachtaí atá inti ó thaobh sláinte poiblí, seirbhísí tacaíochta do mná atá ag iompar clainne agus ár gcuid freagraíochtaí dár gcomh-shaoránaigh. There is a great deal of debate as to what expertise we, as Senators, have to offer citizens regarding the scrutiny of...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Eamonn Coghlan: I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Kathleen Lynch. I was somewhat reluctant to get involved in this debate. Having listened to both sides of the argument, I felt that I was damned if I did and damned if I did not, and I decided only within the past hour or so that perhaps I should make some kind of a contribution on the Bill. What I want to say is, I am pro-life. As a matter of fact, I...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Thomas Byrne: ...many colleagues on all sides of the House. I have not really taken part in public debate on the issue, but this was slightly unavoidable during the recent by-election in Meath. I have listened and read with great interest on all sides, and that is one of the difficulties. I have heard very few people in the debate whose expertise is not coloured by political views one way or the other....

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Terry Brennan: I welcome the Minister of State to the House. I am one of the people who attended the six days of hearings. I listened to all sides of the argument and did not ask one question. I, too, congratulate the Chairman, Deputy Jerry Buttimer, on his performance for the entire hearing. The Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill has received enormous discussion and coverage over the past couple...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Jimmy Harte: I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Costello, to the House. This is a difficult subject for all Members to address but I have that duty, as a legislator, as a citizen and, most of all, as a father, a son and a brother. There are those who say the only people with a conscience are those who will vote "No". After 21 years, people are only coming this week to the realisation they have a...

Seanad: Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Jul 2013)

Caít Keane: one sided, but that involves a misinterpretation of the word which comes from the Latin word meaning to know or have knowledge. Knowledge of oneself, particularly when it comes to one's morals and instincts about what is right and wrong, is very important to me as a legislator. Pangs of conscience or an uncomfortable inner voice are very helpful when I am trying to decide what is the...

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