Results 1-20 of 2,500 for speaker:Ciarán Cuffe
- Waste Management (3 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: The Minister wants to make it one big car park.
- Nuclear Plants. (3 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: When the Minister took office, highly dangerous radioactive material was stored in rusty sheds in the Sellafield complex and that material is still stored in rusty sheds. When was the last time the Minister discussed the issue of Sellafield with his UK counterpart?
- Requests to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 31. (3 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: I seek the adjournment of the Dáil under Standing Order 31 to discuss the following urgent matter: in light of last week's High Court decision on Carrickmines Castle in Dublin, the need for the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to clarify whether he is still the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and to state whether he intends to alter the...
- European Parliament Elections (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second Stage (Resumed). (3 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: I propose to share my time with Deputies Morgan and Harkin, giving them ten minutes each.
- European Parliament Elections (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second Stage (Resumed). (3 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: I welcome the legislation in broad terms. It is timely and proper that the constituencies are revised and it is important a transparent process was used to do so. I raised my eyebrows slightly at the parameters for population used to define the revised constituencies, as they went slightly beyond what we traditionally took as the relatively narrow bandwidth within which population numbers...
- European Parliament Elections (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second Stage (Resumed). (3 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: I am not conceding. Mary White will deliver a seat for the Green Party in the new East constituency very effectively. A significant concern about this Bill is the radical change in voting systems. Most of us have sat through hours of debate on electronic voting and my initial reaction to electronic voting was "Great, let us embrace future technology." However, the more I listened to those who...
- European Parliament Elections (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second Stage (Resumed). (3 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: If they were for certain other candidates in the ward I was running in, I would be happy to see it happen. Electronic voting may be the way forward. We all use a great deal of electronics in our daily lives but we are rushing to implement this technology in the European elections and my party believes we should pause for thought before proceeding. If one bought a car in the morning one would...
- European Parliament Elections (Amendment) Bill 2003: Second Stage (Resumed). (3 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: The entire Opposition has expressed concern about this matter. In summary, we have concerns and are considering a challenge to the system. We do not consider ourselves to be Luddites, but we hope we will not rush into adopting a completely radical system.
- Written Answers — Playground Statistics: Playground Statistics (3 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: Question 151: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of playgrounds there are in the State; and his proposals for increased provision. [2960/04]
- Written Answers — EU Presidency: EU Presidency (10 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: Question 116: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the access which will be available for the public or Members of the Houses of the Oireachtas to the Agenda 133 meetings which are to be held under the Irish Presidency; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [3815/04]
- Written Answers — National Minimum Wage: National Minimum Wage (10 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: Question 148: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number and level of sanctions which have been applied to companies which have been found to be in breach of the minimum wage regulations; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [3814/04]
- Written Answers — Houses of the Oireachtas Refurbishment: Houses of the Oireachtas Refurbishment (10 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: Question 207: To ask the Minister for Finance the progress that has been made with the provision, and the proposed date of opening, of the Dáil Ãireann crèche. [3663/04]
- Written Answers — Houses of the Oireachtas Refurbishment: Houses of the Oireachtas Refurbishment (10 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: Question 208: To ask the Minister for Finance the progress that has been made with the restoration of Leinster Lawn; and when it will be fully restored. [3664/04]
- Motor Vehicle (Duties and Licences) Bill 2004: Second Stage. (17 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: We seem to have an annual discussion on the type and scale of duties imposed on motor vehicles. I remember expressing similar sentiments last year, namely, that the measure we use for charging is crude. I and my party would like to see the introduction of a slightly more sophisticated measuring system. Instead of looking at the capacity of the engine, we should consider other issues, such as...
- Written Answers — G7 Meeting: G7 Meeting (17 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: Question 147: To ask the Minister for Finance his views on the economic effects of the recent G7 meeting. [4795/04]
- Written Answers — Decentralisation Programme: Decentralisation Programme (17 Feb 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: Question 156: To ask the Minister for Finance the numbers of civil servants within his Department who have indicated that they wish to move to its new administrative location; the number who wish to remain in Dublin or be transferred to another Department or State agency; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4793/04]
- Confidence in the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government: Motion. (30 Mar 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: I wish to talk about the National Spatial Strategy 2002-2020. Our motion said the Minister had failed to implement a national spatial strategy that properly distributed services, facilities and opportunities throughout the country. However, the Government states that a comprehensive range of measures has been put in place at national, regional and local levels to support the continuing...
- Confidence in the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government: Motion. (30 Mar 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: The Minister for Finance, Deputy McCreevy and his colleagues turned the national spatial strategy on its head. Very few of the nine gateways and 11 hubs were selected for locating Government jobs through decentralisation. The latter programme failed miserably to reflect the issues headlined in the national spatial strategy. The Minister says he is implementing it, but when I put specific...
- Confidence in the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government: Motion. (30 Mar 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: Each Department is going its merry way, and the national spatial strategy is simply a piece of window dressing to give the impression of joined-up Government thinking, which could not be further from the truth.
- Confidence in the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government: Motion. (30 Mar 2004)
Ciarán Cuffe: We either have a national spatial strategy or we do not, and a laissez-faire approach to planning or not. If we are to seriously consider the implications of the Kyoto Protocol and the need to put people, premises and communities closer so that people can live, work and relax, we would implement the national spatial strategy instead of having a Government that gives only ad hoc responses. I...