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Results 1-20 of 100 for likes to work speaker:Maurice Quinlivan

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Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Science Foundation Ireland: Chairman Designate (28 May 2019)

Maurice Quinlivan: Science Foundation Ireland does great work and I have met its representatives several times. I sometimes wonder if the public knows enough about what SFI actually does, what it has achieved and the successes it has had. Does Professor Clinch believe that more could be done to inform the general public on the good work that is being done by Science Foundation Ireland? In which areas could...

Ceisteanna ar Reachtaíocht a Gealladh - Questions on Promised Legislation (10 Nov 2021)

Maurice Quinlivan: The Taoiseach will have seen the recent report from the Tallaght Drug and Alcohol Task Force demonstrating the work that it has been done with community groups and it is calling for additional funding. I am a member of a similar task force in Limerick and the concerns of this group are similar, namely it does not have the funding to carry out its important work. The programme for Government...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Mental Health Services (9 Dec 2021)

Maurice Quinlivan: I did not realise the Minister of State, Deputy Feighan, worked for the Department of Justice. I welcome the pilot 24-7 multi-agency mental health de-escalation team, which I understand has been set up in my own city of Limerick. It is something I welcome and support. Unfortunately, like most of the country, in Limerick issues regarding mental health have increased over the course of...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Banded Hours Contract Bill 2016 [Private Members]: Discussion (31 Jan 2017)

Maurice Quinlivan: I supported this Bill in the Dáil and I support it going forward. It is not an abstract concept, we have all dealt with people who are on low contract hours and have precarious work. We met some of them at the briefing in the AV room. One could not but be moved by the personal testimonies of people, how it affects them at work, how if they made a complaint their hours were cut and how...

Workers' Rights: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (1 Jun 2016)

Maurice Quinlivan: I congratulate the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation and I hope to work with her in the course of the lifetime of this Dáil. It goes without saying that I welcome any motion which seeks to protect workers' rights. In this instance, however, the hypocrisy of the motion is staggering. In its opening lines the motion calls on Dáil Éireann to stand up for working...

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: School Admissions (16 May 2023)

Maurice Quinlivan: If that is the case, and we are hearing rumours that there will be additional school places in Thomond College, which is the school I went to myself, I would be delighted with that. The Educate Together school is a brand-new school that has been built. One of the people I am dealing with lives two minutes from that school but has no place, and is not even on a waiting list, as far as I...

Childcare Support Bill 2017: From the Seanad (Resumed) (26 Jun 2018)

Maurice Quinlivan: I am here on behalf of Deputy Mitchell. She is at a family event. Her child is graduating from school. I would like to say a few words on the Bill on her behalf. Overall I welcome the Bill and commend the work done on it by the Minister and her Department, as well as by Deputies, Senators, the Joint Committee on Children and Youth Affairs and the Select Committee on Children and Youth...

Working Group of Committee Chairmen: Public Policy Matters: Engagement with the Taoiseach (12 May 2022)

Maurice Quinlivan: I thank the Taoiseach for coming. As he well knows, Dáil committees do very important and often excellent work. The committee I chair is the Joint Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment. We have done a lot of work in the past year or so on issues of corporate enforcement, sick pay legislation and permits among other issues, involving a significant workload engaging with...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions (31 Jan 2019)

Maurice Quinlivan: May I raise a point, if Deputy Wallace does not mind? I tabled a question for the Minister on the issue of establishing a working group which was disallowed by the Ceann Comhairle, who is not here. The question was disallowed because it was determined to be hypothetical. Deputy Eamon Ryan just had a question which was quite good and which he delivered quite well. In it, he used the word...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Company Liquidations (22 Mar 2022)

Maurice Quinlivan: I want to clarify something in the Minister of State's response. I want to ensure that we can get a guarantee from the receiver that it will be the case that if workers do not resign from their current employment there should be no obstacle to retaining their statutory redundancy entitlements. That is what the Minister of State said and I accept her bona fides but I would like some more of...

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Corporate Governance (17 Dec 2020)

Maurice Quinlivan: I would like to put on the record my thanks for the work done by the former Chairman of the committee, Deputy Butler, now Minister of State at the Department of Health, to try to progress this Bill. There were a number of legal and other reasons that did not happen. Hopefully, it will happen next year. We are in broad agreement on the need for structural change to the ODCE. We all...

Reversal of Planned Fuel Price Increases: Motion [Private Members] (26 Sep 2023)

Maurice Quinlivan: The cost of living in the State has spiralled out of control. Despite being on a wage, too many workers and families are struggling to get by, bill by bill, week to week. With the nearly continuous news of further price rises, it is all but impossible for the average worker to have any disposable income. Those who are renting face the ominous threat of eviction. If they are to seek new...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Banded Hours Contract Bill 2016: Discussion (Resumed) (11 Apr 2017)

Maurice Quinlivan: I thank Ms King and Mr. Douglas for their presentations. I welcome Ms King's comment that this important Bill is a "step in bringing to an end the exploitation of thousands of workers in workplaces". It is important to note that she stressed that Congress does "not believe that any new law which seeks to give greater certainty to workers about their working time will have a negative impact...

Affordable Housing: Motion [Private Members] (7 Jul 2020)

Maurice Quinlivan: ...massive problems in our society. We now have incredible situations where generations of families are living in the same crowded homes. Children cannot study properly because there is no place to do their homework. There are grandchildren living permanently with their grandparents. While the grandparents love to have the children in their home, they do not like them being there the...

Public Transport: Motion [Private Members] (25 Oct 2022)

Maurice Quinlivan: In Limerick, I drive a car, cycle my bike, walk to work and take local buses where I can, and I mostly take a train when I come to Dublin. The train to Dublin, which I have been taking for seven years, is almost always on time. Unfortunately, the buses in Limerick are a different story. Public transport needs to be safe, reliable and affordable. If it cannot meet these three crucial...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: Homeless Accommodation (31 May 2022)

Maurice Quinlivan: The issue of homelessness in Limerick is spiralling to new and concerning levels. We have never seen it so bad. There is a complete absence of available emergency accommodation for those who desperately need it. Homelessness service providers have spoken to me, as they do regularly, and have advised me there are simply not enough available beds in the city. In fact, they understand there...

Banded Hours Contract Bill 2016: Second Stage [Private Members] (5 Jul 2016)

Maurice Quinlivan: As the Sinn Féin spokesperson on jobs I can say that our party policy is very clear when it comes to economic recovery. Increased employment must mean increased prosperity for all workers. As it stands, we are coming from a low base considering that we have the second highest number of low paid workers in the OECD. It is not acceptable that almost 400,000 workers, or 30% of the...

Ceisteanna - Questions - Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Oireachtas Joint Committee Recommendations (7 Mar 2019)

Maurice Quinlivan: The Government is not as active as it should be in addressing the cost of insurance. Businesses and their employees are losing out but there seems to be no urgency on the part of the Department of Finance to take the radical action needed. It is up to the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation to stand up for Irish businesses on this critical issue. Commenting on the latest...

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate: School Admissions (5 Feb 2019)

Maurice Quinlivan: I draw the attention of the Minister to a fault in what we call the post-primary schools common application system which is in place in Limerick. By and large, it works pretty well. It sees sixth class students list nine schools in order of their preference and they are usually offered a place in one of these schools. I understand the system is unique to Limerick and tries to do away with...

Covid-19 (Drug and Alcohol Services, and Homelessness): Statements (18 Feb 2021)

Maurice Quinlivan: Unfortunately, the issue of drugs in my home city of Limerick has worsened during the pandemic on what seems like a daily basis. The issue is not new. Previous Ministers have failed utterly in dealing with the issue and sometimes I wonder if they bothered at all. There is a specific problem in the St. Mary's Park area of Limerick which I wish to raise with the Minister of State. I...

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