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Results 1-15 of 15 for destroyed speaker:David Cullinane

Public Accounts Committee: Matters related to Medical Negligence, Open Disclosure, Cervical Cancer and Thalidomide Litigation (8 Nov 2018)

David Cullinane: ...and disclosures. From our perspective, in terms of governance and procurement, what was most alarming about the Scally report was the finding that much of the original proposal material had been destroyed in 2017 and that it was in line with policy that after a particular timeframe documents were destroyed. Given that in 2015-16 the HSE and the Department would have known about the...

Public Accounts Committee: Matters related to Medical Negligence, Open Disclosure, Cervical Cancer and Thalidomide Litigation (8 Nov 2018)

David Cullinane: ...important. The organisation knew from the findings of the audit that there were problems in procurement yet, when Dr. Scally tried to do his work, he was unable to do it because documents had been destroyed. Surely, when there is an issue of this importance, there should be processes in place to protect documentation. To be honest, it is common sense that documents should be protected,...

Public Accounts Committee: Business of Committee (12 Oct 2017)

David Cullinane: illegal. That is obviously alarming as well, and disturbing. All of this needs to be probed. Also there was a cover letter asking that this actual note of this meeting should be deleted and destroyed. Any time I see words such as "delete" and "destroy" I am worried, as a member of this committee. I would completely support my colleague's assertion that this needs to be urgently...

Written Answers — Department of Health: Departmental Contracts Data (18 Dec 2018)

David Cullinane: 380. To ask the Minister for Health the details of each winning proposal for a tender contract issued by the HSE that has been destroyed, by which the contract has not yet been terminated, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52918/18]

Public Accounts Committee: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board: Financial Statements 2017 (31 Jan 2019)

David Cullinane: Take the item out and destroy it.

Written Answers — Department of Health: Cancer Screening Programmes (22 Jan 2019)

David Cullinane: ...ask the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question No. 380 of 18 December 2018, if he is satisfied with the response of the HSE that it has no records of winning tender proposals being destroyed (details supplied); his views on whether this statement is in contradiction with paragraph 7.3.1 of the Scoping Inquiry into the CervicalCheck Screening Programme published in September...

Public Accounts Committee: Matters related to Medical Negligence, Open Disclosure, Cervical Cancer and Thalidomide Litigation (8 Nov 2018)

David Cullinane: I want to come back to the issue of procurement, though I will not go over the issue of contracts being destroyed. I raised this issue because Dr. Scally found that there were problems with procurement. On page 77 of the Scally report, under a section on the analysis of key issues, he states that there appears to have been an overemphasis on obtaining the lowest cost from suppliers. Does...

Seanad: Order of Business (22 May 2012)

David Cullinane: ...the 1916 Proclamation was a seminal moment in the creation of the State. How ironic would it be, when one would considers it was the relationship between politicians, developers and bankers that destroyed the economy and caused us to lose our sovereignty for which the people mentioned died, if a development on this historical site damaged the ability of Dublin City Council to turn the...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (4 Jul 2019)

David Cullinane: Cabinet. We have very senior current and former members of the Defence Forces saying it is not enough. These are really genuine concerns that members of the Defence Forces have. It is soul-destroying for someone doing a job as important as being in the Naval Service or the Army or any of the Defence Forces not to be able to pay the bills and not to have even a living wage....

Seanad: Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill 2015: Committee Stage (21 Oct 2015)

David Cullinane: economy means. As a result it will not matter what happens in five years' time because it will claim to have achieved its targets. To claim that reaching at least an 80% reduction by 2050 will destroy the economy is scaremongering of the highest order. I am not sure who wrote the speech but it probably was civil servants. I disagree with the claim and think its nonsense.

Seanad: Order of Business (4 Feb 2014)

David Cullinane: ...that has been caused by flooding in some parts of the country, including counties Galway, Cork, Kerry, Waterford and Limerick. Dwellings have been damaged, livestock has been lost, businesses have been destroyed and land has been made unworkable. In some parts of the country, it has been described as the worst flooding in living memory. While every cent is valuable - it will be good...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Retail Sector Report: Discussion with RGDATA (12 Mar 2013)

David Cullinane: ...Quinn stated he supports a market approach. During the Celtic tiger years the market went mad and people wanted to build any amount of out-of-town shopping centres and, if allowed, would have destroyed many city and town centres including Waterford city. I am sure many other towns and cities also held the line as much as they could. Not regulating the market is not the way to deal with...

Seanad: Situation in Gaza and Ukraine: Statements (31 Jul 2014)

David Cullinane: ...people have been slaughtered by the Israeli state and its military. The vast majority of those individuals were innocent civilians - men, women and children. A total of 22,000 homes have been destroyed and 130 schools, six hospitals and a number of UN shelters have been attacked. On Monday last 100 innocent civilians were killed. Entire families have been wiped out. Yesterday, we...

Commission of Investigation (Certain Matters Relative to Disability Service in the South East and Related Matters): Motion (Resumed) (8 Mar 2017)

David Cullinane: extremely serious, given the level, duration and scale of failings by the organisation, as well as the scale of the abuse of which we have been made aware. The possibility that the evidence was destroyed is also deeply disturbing. I quote the Dignam report:1.5: Substantive matters underlying those two previous Inquiries and matters related to those substantive matters are matters...

Seanad: Report of Tribunal of Inquiry into Certain Planning Matters and Payments: Statements (24 Apr 2012)

David Cullinane: Political corruption is not a victimless crime. It has caused widespread social damage. The principal victims are Irish citizens, the people of this State. They have seen our economy destroyed by the property bubble and the economic crash. This is a direct result of the corrupt relationship between developers and politicians. In addition, working class communities, especially...

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