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Results 1-20 of 114 for like to work speaker:Pádraig Mac Lochlainn

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Pre-Budget Submissions: Discussion (13 Sep 2016)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: Some of my colleagues have commented on the processors, meat factories and multiples. This issue has been raised by farmers for years. I would like to get a sense from the witnesses of the view throughout the farming organisations. I have always heard tea and sympathy for this point of view across the political spectrum but I would like to know from the witnesses, working in co-operation...

Written Answers — Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection: Social Welfare Code (26 Apr 2022)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: 1041. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the reason that carers in receipt of carer’s benefit or carer’s allowance are not also entitled to any illness or sickness benefit like other workers, if they are off work from their part-time work due to illness or sickness; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [20248/22]

Employment Support Services: Motion [Private Members] (30 Nov 2021)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...than most about this subject. I was on the national executive of the Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed many years ago when these job clubs and local employment services were being put together. We were part of the team that worked around a community based response, working with people who were unemployed to put together tailor-made training programmes to help them get back...

Pre-European Council: Statements (26 Jun 2024)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...and the Irish South and East Fish Producer's Organisation, have united with the Irish Fish Processors and Exporters Association. That is five major organisations uniting with one purpose, namely, to look at the project of engaging with the European Commission. They have asked the Irish Government to have a much more dedicated focus in terms of the Department of the marine. It is clear...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission: Commissioner Designate (8 Oct 2014)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: My next question relates to the direct provision system. Ms Logan has raised this issue and I am sure she will have noted that there has been a marked increase in focus on it in Parliament. It was the subject of a Private Members' motion last week that extended over two nights. It appears we are nearing the point where, collectively, everybody is agreed that this system needs to change...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications: Joint Sitting with the Joint Comittee on Justice, Defence and Equality
Pro-Social Drivers Programme: Pro-Social Ireland
(10 Jun 2015)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...meeting of committees. I will make a very brief commentary, because Deputy Pringle and I are Deputies for Donegal and all the public representatives in the county have huge admiration for the work of Pro-Social Drivers. I am from the Inishowen peninsula. As mayor of my home town of Buncrana, I had to comment on a road tragedy on television. I remember going through the figures on...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Crisis in Ireland's Inshore Fishing Industry: Discussion (24 Jan 2024)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: My next question is the big one. We have seen the shrimp and crab sectors in crisis. Obviously, the European market to a lesser extent and the Chinese market have been impacted. It strikes me that this will be ongoing. Following up on what Deputy Collins said, I think the inshore strategy was an excellent piece of work. It has much less jargon than is normal for these reports. It was...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Global Resettlement Needs and Related Matters: UNHCR (24 Jun 2015)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: Earlier this year, I read that Ireland was the only country in the world that had a population smaller today than it had in the early 1800s. Ms Magennis will know this. Another statistic is that, according to a book written by Mr. Raymond Crotty, entitled Ireland in Crisis: A Study in Capitalist Colonial Undevelopment, half of those who survived childhood during the 65-year period between...

Select Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Europol Bill 2012: Committee Stage (7 Nov 2012)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I would like to pursue this matter a little further. The committee has just received a presentation setting out the number of Defence Forces officers and retirees, etc. There was great detail in the presentation, as there should be. All of these things should be accountable to the public. The amendment looks for an indicative number of staff working in the unit. We cannot get agreement on it.

Other Questions: Penal Policy Review Group Report (5 Feb 2014)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: We had some engagement on this already, but I would like to say that our committee worked very hard over quite a period of time putting together our penal reform report, and we have five key recommendations, including the reduction of prison numbers by one third through decarceration over the next ten years, by examining the Fines Bill and by not imprisoning people for minor offences. The...

Seanad: Order of Business (Resumed) (12 Oct 2017)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I would like to raise for the third time an issue I have raised in each of the past two weeks. I ask Senators to think of the major parks in their own cities, towns and communities. Swan Park, which is an important amenity for tourists at the core of my home town of Buncrana, has been destroyed by floods and will be closed to the public for an indefinite period. It has been estimated that...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Corporate Social Responsibility Stakeholder Forum: Discussion (15 Oct 2019)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: There are a lot of positive aspects to the plan and its implementation, and the work in which the witnesses are involved. I recall watching a documentary which featured a group of major businesses in Texas that were congratulating themselves on how generous they were to the community. Of course, the core of their belief system was paying as little tax as possible. I want to hear that this...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: White Paper on Defence: Reserve Defence Forces Representative Association (4 Nov 2015)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I am delighted to hear it. Deputy Stanton is passionate about it, and he is a champion of the RDF and the wider Defence Forces. It has not always been the case through this five-year term and I am pleased it is the case now. Regarding unemployed reservists, we support the concept of a defence contribution to employment support schemes for 18 to 24 year olds. The RDFRA is enthusiastic...

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions: Garda Inspectorate Reports (27 Jan 2016)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...that will change in the next period. There are also massive structural issues in An Garda Síochána. Many of the challenges we face - "challenge" has been a kind word in recent years - are down to mismanagement and our front-line gardaí being failed by a management system that is not delivering for them. This and previous reports from the Garda Inspectorate, particularly...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Impact of UK Referendum on Membership of the European Union on Irish Agrifood and Fisheries Sectors: Discussion (29 Nov 2016)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I thank Mr. Cotter for his presentation. I thought it was one of the best assessments of the state of play. He clearly outlined the work of Bord Bia and the assistance it is giving the sector in dealing with the challenges, and I commend it for that. I would like to have elaboration and clarification on a number of points. Page 5 of the presentation states that a significant number of...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Public Service Oversight and Petitions: Report on “A Good Death”: Office of the Ombudsman (16 Jul 2014)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: The issue of private versus public hospitals was raised. During a previous interaction between the committee and the Ombudsman, he raised with us the need to ensure that all public services, whether delivered by a private or public company, come under the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman, which is an issue that arises not only in Ireland but throughout Europe. It is an issue on which the...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Public Service Oversight and Petitions: Office of the Ombudsman Reports: Mr. Peter Tyndall (30 Sep 2015)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: We are on the same wavelength because that was the next point I was going to make. With the agreement of members, we will write to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform on resources for the Ombudsman's office, as has arisen today. Second, we will write about clinical judgments and, third, about direct provision. Considering that our committee and the judicial working group have...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Corporate Social Responsibility Stakeholder Forum: Discussion (15 Oct 2019)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I was pleased to see the public sector are partners on this very representative forum. However, I have a concern. As public representatives, we are all very familiar with the fact there is always demand for services, and it could be the public sector or the NGO sector providing critical services on behalf of the State. What I would like to know is whether the forum ensures that the...

Financial Resolution No. 3: Carbon Charge on Mineral Oils (6 Dec 2011)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I have been listening to some of the Deputies heckling, but they represent rural constituencies so I would like to ask them a question. Do they believe they have a world-class public infrastructure in their rural constituencies? Do they believe it is fair to impose a carbon tax on those in rural areas when there is no public transport alternative in many parts? Do they believe in their...

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