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Results 1-5 of 5 for ("irish language" gaeilge) speaker:Frank Feighan

Progress on the 20 Year Strategy for the Irish Language: Statements (26 May 2011)

Frank Feighan: ...únta na Gaeilge agus ar eagraíochtái Gaeilge eile ar fud na tíre. Chuaigh mé go hOileán Cléire chun Gaeilge a fhoghlaim agus tá mé ag dul i bhfeabhas, I think. I welcome this debate on the Irish language and the 20 year strategy which is the way forward for the hundreds of thousands of people, like myself, who spent up to 13 years in school without a huge love of the language....

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement: Northern Ireland Irish Language Act: Discussion (13 Jun 2013)

Frank Feighan: the North, we can outline what is happening in the South. I come from the west and learned Irish compulsorily for 14 years at school. Like most of my counterparts, my knowledge and use of the Irish language are very limited. Surveys suggest 42% of people can use the language, but it is more fantasy than fact. Where I live, we are much closer to the attitude of people in east Belfast...

An Coimisinéir Teanga a Cheapadh: Motion (18 Feb 2014)

Frank Feighan: foghlaim na Gaeilge agus tá feabhas ag teacht orm. I wish Rónán Ó Domhnaill every success in his new job. We must ask ourselves why, in a small island like Ireland, ten of thousands of people like me have limited Irish despite going to school for 14 years. I do not know what the problem is. Maybe the Irish language has been taken over by a self-appointed elite...

Message from Seanad (6 Jul 2010)

Frank Feighan: ...access to broadband and so on. The Government is delaying the process under the guise of considering the future structure of Údarás na Gaeltachta and its preparation of a strategy for the Irish language. In reality, it is merely putting off another election. We believe it is anti-democratic to deny people in the Gaeltacht an opportunity to elect representatives to the body charged with...

Equal Status (Amendment) Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) [Private Members] (3 Jul 2013)

Frank Feighan: ...adoption of a hugely resource-intensive approach. It is far too much to expect local authorities to try to address many of the matters with which it deals. In light of the constitutional status of the Irish language, it is not clear what is intended by the provision that deals with native Irish speakers. Does this provision relate to the 2% of our people who are native Irish speakers or...

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