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Results 161-180 of 3,831 for speaker:Dinny McGinley

Written Answers — Ministerial Responsibilities: Ministerial Responsibilities (22 Mar 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Question 370: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he is responsible for the performance of the functions of his Department in accordance with section 3 of the Public Service Management Act 1997; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9297/05]

Written Answers — Departmental Staff: Departmental Staff (22 Mar 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Question 371: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if the special advisers attached to his Department are part of the line management system of his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9298/05]

Written Answers — Overseas Missions: Overseas Missions (22 Mar 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Question 629: To ask the Minister for Defence if the investigation into the Jadotville siege has been completed; the findings of same; if there are plans to commemorate those who participated; if a date has been arranged for such a commemoration; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9094/05]

Irish Language: Statements. (23 Mar 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Tá lúcháir orm an deis seo a bheith agam cúpla focal a rá maidir leis an mhéid a bhí le rá ag an Aire agus mo thuairimí féin. Is dócha gur ócáid bhliantúil é seo anois nuair a thagann an tAire agus Teachtaí cosúil liom féin isteach anseo sa Dáil agus go mbíonn deis againn dearcadh siar ar cad a tharla maidir le ceist na Gaeilge agus na Gaeltachtaí le bliain anuas, agus ag...

Written Answers — Cancer Screening Programme: Cancer Screening Programme (23 Mar 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Question 19: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children when BreastCheck will be rolled out nationally; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9458/05]

Written Answers — Hospital Services: Hospital Services (23 Mar 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Question 100: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if she will make a statement on the recent closure of the accident and emergency department at Cork University Hospital for four hours. [9508/05]

Irish Language: Statements (Resumed). (24 Mar 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Beidh céad míle fáilte roimh Foras na Gaeilge.

Hospitals Building Programme. (24 Mar 2005)

Dinny McGinley: I thank the Ceann Comhairle for allowing me to raise this important matter on the Adjournment. The situation in Letterkenny General Hospital is chaotic. Since last January, upwards of 15 patients a night are being accommodated on trolleys in the day services unit and the accident and emergency department at the hospital, resulting in the cancellation of day service procedures, elective...

Written Answers — Natural Gas Grid: Natural Gas Grid (12 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Question 406: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the plans in place to extend the gas line from the Corrib gas field to the north west; if there will be a joint initiative on a cross-Border basis between Bord Gáis and its counterpart in Northern Ireland; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10412/05]

Disability Bill 2004: Second Stage (Resumed). (13 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Tá áthas orm cúpla focal a rá ar an mBille tábhachtach seo. It is accurate to say the issue of disability has had a rocky history as far as the Government and its predecessor are concerned. I remember when the first Disability Bill was published in 2001, which was prior to the previous general election. The then Minister of State at the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform,...

Cancer Screening Programme: Motion (Resumed). (13 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Everyone agrees the most important element in the successful treatment of cancer is early diagnosis. Unfortunately in this country, early diagnosis and the standard of treatment seem to depend on one's geographic location. Since 2000, BreastCheck screening has been available in limited parts of the country. If one lives in Dublin or in the eastern region, BreastCheck is automatically...

Tribunals of Inquiry. (13 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: I thank Deputy Costello for giving me some of his very limited time. As a Donegal Deputy for almost a quarter of a century, I cannot be accused of jumping on every available bandwagon. However, I agree with the case which has been made so well by the Deputy. I reflect the opinion of most reasonable people in Donegal who I meet in my everyday line of duty. The McBrearty family has gone through...

Written Answers — Planning Issues: Planning Issues (13 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Question 125: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he has been in contact with the Department of Transport regarding the placing of mobile phone transmitters in DART stations owned by CIE; his views on whether these transmitters should be subject to planning permission; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11021/05]

Tuairisc an Choimisinéara Teanga. (14 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Question 1: To ask the Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta an bhfuil aird á tabhairt aige ar na tuairimí agus na moltaí i dtuairisc bhliantúil an Choimisinéara Teanga agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina dtaobh. [11558/05]

Tuairisc an Choimisinéara Teanga. (14 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Tá gar déanta ag an Choimisinéir Teanga do na Gaeilge agus go bhfuil sé i ndiaidh cur os comhair ár gcuid súile fíricí a bhí ansin le fada — chomh fada agus a bhaineann sé leis an Ghaeilge sa chóras oideachais agus úsáid na Gaeilge sa Dáil. An aontódh an tAire liom, anois nuair atá Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla á chur i bhfeidhm, go mbeidh éilimh i bhfad níos mó agus...

Tuairisc an Choimisinéara Teanga. (14 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: An bhfuil an tAire sásta go bhfuil sé ar a chumas an tseirbhís seo a chur ar fáil go fóill agus go bhfuil na daoine againn faoi láthair? Pointe eile a rinne an coimisinéir ná easpa Gaeilge agus phlé muid anseo é. Dúirt an tAire gurbh fhéidir le TG4 níos mó a dhéanamh le poiblíocht a thabhairt don méid Gaeilge a labhraítear anseo. An ndearna sé teagmháil le TG4 faoi sin? An...

Departmental Programmes. (14 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Do not embarrass the Minister further.

Departmental Programmes. (14 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: The Minister lives in the west.

Departmental Programmes. (14 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: If only other Galway men could agree with the Minister.

Bullying in the Workplace. (14 Apr 2005)

Dinny McGinley: Question 4: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the main findings of the independent investigation into alleged incidents of bullying and harassment and the so-called culture of patronage in Waterways Ireland; the measures being adopted to ensure fair play and best practice within that organisation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11557/05]

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