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Results 1,301-1,320 of 1,031,143 for in 'Dáil debates' OR in 'Committee meetings' (speaker:Ciarán Cuffe OR speaker:John Brady)

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Mary Coughlan: Tá go leor déanta ag mo Roinn-se chun seirbhís níos fearr a thabhairt do dhaoine, rudaí atá soiléir agus éifeachtach. Ní bheadh an leasú seo éifeachtach ar chor ar bith. Tá sé an-thábhachtach go mbeadh deacrachtaí móra maidir le haitheantas, rud atá an-thábhachtach. Luaigh mé an míniú atá leis sin agus dá bhrí sin, níl mé ábalta glacadh leis na leasuithe seo.

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Amendment put and declared lost.

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Cecilia Keaveney: Amendment No. 18 is an alternative to amendment No. 17 and both may be discussed together by agreement.

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Dan Boyle: I move amendment No. 17: In page 22, line 18, after "not" to insert ", unless a finding of parentage in relation to the child has been made, ". Amendments Nos. 17 and 18 are similar and vary only in a small point of punctuation. This amendment does not go far enough in meeting the serious flaws in this section. As the Bill is written, a father who is not married to the mother of his child is...

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Seán Crowe: During the debate on Second Stage, my colleague, Deputy Ferris, referred to section 22 as making fatherhood optional. If the father of a child refuses to co-operate and tends to be as unco-operative as possible, this section will make registering the father's name extremely difficult. It will put a massive burden on the mother of the child if she seeks to have the father's name on the birth...

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Willie Penrose: I have concerns about section 22. I am particularly concerned about the registration of children of unmarried parents. This section, as drafted, will cause significant problems in the future. Section 22(1) allows an unmarried father to refuse to co-operate, as Deputy Crowe says, or to say he need only supply his name. That information, and only that, is required of him under subsection (2)....

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Dan Neville: I support the amendment and feel strongly about it. I have spoken in this House on numerous occasions about the right of a child to know, as well as to be parented by, both parents. Except in exceptional circumstances, that it is a child's fundamental right. The section as drafted reflects society's view of parenthood outside marriage, that the mother is the parent, with the father sometimes...

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Seán Ryan: I support the amendments. My learned friend and colleague, Deputy Penrose, has outlined clearly the purpose of the amendments and the need to support them. The combined Opposition is in favour — the Fine Gael Party, the Green Party, Sinn Féin and the Labour Party. The Law Society and other groups are concerned that the Bill as proposed will not deal with the ultimate need of the child to...

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Mary Coughlan: Will the real Minister please stand up? We need to curtail this debate because it is losing the run of itself. If I were to go down on record by accepting this amendment, I would certainly go down, along with a lead weight. It is important, so that no one is under a misapprehension regarding my position or that of the Government on children's rights, that certain aspects be made clear. I...

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Dan Neville: It gives a very strong signal.

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Mary Coughlan: It may give a signal but 100 names on a piece of paper does not reflect a responsibility, which is an onerous responsibility as most of us in this House who are parents know.

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Dan Boyle: It is a mark of identity too.

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Mary Coughlan: It is, but there are particular sensitivities surrounding this issue. An tArd-Chláraitheoir has advised me that there are approximately 2,000 re-registrations every year arising out of these issues. The trend has changed considerably. In the main, the initial registration is where both parents are registered and that is facilitated through the hospitals and other facilities at the time of...

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Amendment put and declared lost.

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Amendment No. 18 not moved.

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Rory O'Hanlon: Amendment No. 19 is in the name of Deputies Penrose and Seán Ryan. Amendments Nos. 20 and 21 are related and it is proposed to take amendments Nos. 19, 20 and 21 together, by agreement.

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Seán Ryan: I move amendment No. 19: In page 22, line 21, to delete "person" where it secondly occurs and substitute "father". Deputy Penrose referred to this issue in his earlier contribution on an amendment. The purpose of the amendment is to improve the drafting of the Bill. As Deputy Penrose outlined, it is totally inappropriate that the mother is referred to in the Bill as "the mother" but the...

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Mary Coughlan: We discussed this matter a number of times and I have outlined the position with regard to "person" and "father". Because of the presumptions in law, one is a person until one is registered as the father. The Attorney General has advised me with regard to progressing these legislative proposals. The section reflects best practice. I am sure the Deputies appreciate that I would not be in a...

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Seán Ryan: We will withdraw the amendments in light of the Minister's reply. I compliment the Minister on her progressive attitude in the context of the Bill.

Civil Registration Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages. (10 Feb 2004)

Mary Coughlan: I am prepared to accept the Opposition amendment No. 26.

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