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Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Medical Council Specialist Register: Discussion (2 May 2018)

Dr. Anthony Breslin: When we are investigating a complaint we compare like with like. If someone is working in a small hospital, we look at what is expected for them working there versus someone working in a larger hospital. We do take that into consideration. Deputy O'Connell mentioned competence. We do have a competence scheme set up and 97% of doctors are registered and participating...

Seanad: Order of Business (8 Nov 2011)

Feargal Quinn: I would also like to welcome Senator Norris back to the House again. Many here are disappointed that he is back in the House; not because he is not welcome, but because we thought he might be in a different house on this occasion. I would like to add my words of welcome to the President elect, Michael D. Higgins. He will add great stature to that house. He is following in the footsteps of...

Joint Committee On Health: Resourcing and the Provision of Services at the Linn Dara CAMHS Unit: Discussion (28 Jun 2022)

Ms Mary O'Kelly: We cannot guarantee that. We do not like to be in this position at all. Mr. Ryan spoke very well about the increase in the number of higher education institution, HEI, places for psychiatric nurses. We are being as creative as possible in this area. We absolutely acknowledge we are having difficulty recruiting across the CHO area and not just in mental health. People...

Seanad: Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009: Committee Stage (Resumed) (9 Mar 2010)

Paddy Burke: I thank the Minister of State for clarification on the section. He stated that it is up to each local authority, when they have gauged the number of people who have registered, to decide on the appointments with the veterinary surgeon. It can go down the other route of employing a body like the ISPCA and entering into a contract. That body may be better organised on the ground and the...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Vaccination Programme (10 Dec 2020)

Bríd Smith: We have heard a lot about student nurses and the work they are doing on the front line at the moment. I want to ask specifically why they are being asked to pay for the flu jab. It is perfectly understandable that they would receive the flu jab given that they are front-line workers and working very hard with patients in Covid wards etc. Why, particularly when they are not being paid for...

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions: Rural Schemes (23 Feb 2023)

Heather Humphreys: I do not have all of the figures to hand, but there has been unprecedented investment in the north and west. Like the Deputy, I am familiar with the region, given that we both live there. We have worked with Fáilte Ireland and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. For example, there is a good remote working hub called the Spool Factory in Boyle,...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: National Broadband Plan (27 Jun 2019)

Joe Carey: Over the past months, the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Rural and Community Development, which I chair, has had a number of hearings on remote working. I was particularly impressed by an organisation called Grow Remote. It is a voluntary organisation set up to promote and drive this new working practice. It has had great success across the country. The Minister has engaged with Grow...

Joint Committee On Children, Equality, Disability, Integration And Youth: Youth Work: Discussion (18 Apr 2023)

Dr. Sinead McMahon: I will talk about the UBU and Mr. Lawlor's reference earlier to pulling it apart. UBU is a funding stream for targeted youth work. It has its roots in the value for money review, VFM, completed by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs as it was at the time in 2014. It looked at the delivery of youth work services solely through an economics lens. That led to...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach: Defective Block Redress: Redress Focus Group for Banking and Insurance (5 Jul 2023)

Ms Sarah Shovlin: It costs €500 to get onto the scheme. To the members, €500 is probably nothing but to many people at home it is a lot of money. They are already going to the credit unions or somewhere else to get the €500. Under the new scheme, they then have to get a builder to produce a builder's report. Is that free? Probably not. Is a builder going to wait...

Tribunals of Inquiry. (19 Nov 2008) See 1 other result from this debate

Brian Cowen: I am aware the tribunal is in the final phase of preparing its report. In response to inquiries from my Department in July the sole member indicated it was his intention to complete his work by the end of this year. I understand this timetable, although likely to be subject to a slight overrun, is more or less on schedule. As the Deputy said, the last public hearing was on 7 May and Mr....

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Pre-Budget Submissions: Discussion (13 Sep 2016)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: Some of my colleagues have commented on the processors, meat factories and multiples. This issue has been raised by farmers for years. I would like to get a sense from the witnesses of the view throughout the farming organisations. I have always heard tea and sympathy for this point of view across the political spectrum but I would like to know from the witnesses, working in co-operation...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government: Prohibition of Micro-Plastics Bill 2016: Discussion (Resumed) (28 Mar 2018)

Mr. Roger Harrington: If I can comment on the Deputy's remarks, yes this has been ongoing. The Deputy is absolutely right. Resources have been sought internally within the Department on a number of occasions to progress this in a more timely fashion. I need, however, to give the committee today a rounded picture of the work we undertake. It is also included in the briefing note that we...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action: Citizens' Assembly Report on Biodiversity Loss: Discussion (Resumed) (7 Nov 2023)

Richard Bruton: Will the end product of the work be something like a marginal abatement cost curve, MACC, for land use in which we will begin to see the marginal benefits and how we can establish biodiversity gains by addressing an issue? Can Professor Scott describe the sort of tool that might come out of this work? Is it all very high level stuff like what is happening in Scotland?

National Drugs Strategy. (9 Nov 2006)

Noel Ahern: The mid-term review of the national drugs strategy recommended the development of a fifth pillar of the strategy focusing on rehabilitation. Arising from this, a working group on drugs rehabilitation was set up in September 2005 under the aegis of my Department to develop proposals to augment existing rehabilitation services. The working group includes representatives from a range of...

Committee on Drugs Use: Decriminalisation, Depenalisation, Diversion and Legalisation of Drugs: Discussion (Resumed) (9 Jul 2024)

Ms Fiona Wilson: No, in fact that legislation is still working its way through the courts. It is still being contemplated. The court process is likely to take longer than the pilot project for decriminalisation here in British Columbia. We have another year and a half or so left in this pilot project. By the time that works its way through the courts, the decriminalisation pilot project...

County Enterprise Boards (7 Jun 2012)

Peadar Tóibín: We spend a lot of time in this House discussing issues like the ESM and the debt where the Government acts like a passive bystander and refuses to do any work but when we come to an issue like county enterprise boards, there is an opportunity for the Government to get stuck in. This whole area has been in flux since Batt O'Keeffe was Minister and suggested the reform. The sword of Damocles...

Seanad: Cancer Treatment Services: Statements (Resumed). (16 Apr 2003) See 3 other results from this debate

Like Senator Feighan, I hope everyone will stand firm on the smoking ban in licensed premises. Like many other Senators it appears, I spent a good part of my youth working in pubs and although I have never smoked, I am waiting for it to catch up with me. Employers owe it to their employees and are obliged under health and safety at work regulations to give them a safe working environment –...

Election of Leas-Cheann Comhairle (Resumed) (7 Jul 2016)

Noel Grealish: On behalf of the rural Independents, I would like to congratulate Deputy Pat The Cope Gallagher on his election as Leas-Cheann Comhairle. He will be very fair and balanced, and will work with all Deputies in the House. I would also like to offer my good wishes to Deputies Durkan, Crowe and McGrath. I do not know where Deputy McGrath is; I thought he would be here. We look forward to...

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Flood Relief Schemes (21 Jul 2020)

Brendan Smith: I take this opportunity to wish the Minister and the Ministers of State well in their important work. As we all know, in recent years there have been increased incidences of flooding causing major problems for households and landowners. Unfortunately, the two counties I represent, Cavan and Monaghan, have been adversely impacted on many occasions. The minor works programme, which...

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