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Results 41-60 of 152 for like to work speaker:Pádraig Mac Lochlainn

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions: Defective Building Materials (23 Jun 2022)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: This goes to the nub of the issue. The Minister has given terms of reference to the SCSI and it has given him a costing. That instructs to a certain extent the cap of €420,000, which includes €20,000 for relocation so is really a cap of €400,000. I trust that if the foundations are tested and found to be in the same condition as the blocks, the NSAI will recommend that...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children: Child Care in Ireland: Discussion (20 Feb 2014)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I thank the Chairman for giving me the opportunity to speak here today. I am very familiar with the work of the Donegal County Childcare Committee, as is my colleague, Deputy McConalogue. We are very fortunate to have members on that committee of such professionalism and capacity to assist us with addressing child care issues as they arise in the county. Regarding the report before us, I...

Tax Collection (23 May 2012)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: Yesterday, there was a debacle in County Donegal when officials from Revenue and agents acting on its behalf sought to remove machinery from Highland Bakery, which is located on the outskirts of Letterkenny. The employees working there then barricaded themselves in and a stand-off ensued between Revenue officials and the staff there. The background to this matter is that like many good...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Community Alert Programme: Muintir na Tíre (4 Nov 2015)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ..., is more resources for community alert and text alert programmes. I am a big supporter of these programmes, having seen waves of crime and criminal gangs so many times in Donegal. The only way to truly defeat them is with the community working hand in hand with An Garda Síochána. I love the idea of whole swathes of townlands looking out for suspicious behaviour and, in...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine: Climate Change Issues specific to the Agriculture, Food and Marine Sectors: Discussion (Resumed) (20 Feb 2018)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...organised by the Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Association, INHFA, at which a lady from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Northern Ireland presented research on the best way to farm sheep on hills and comply with European regulations. It was of great interest that very little research has been carried out on this area by Teagasc for some time. I discussed that with...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: General Scheme of the Companies (Corporate Enforcement Authority) Bill 2018: Discussion (19 Feb 2019)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I have to ask the question. If members of the public were here, they would want to ask it. Perhaps we will get more light in the documentation and we will revisit this on another day. However, I leave that question hanging there as it is a question that is asked regarding the show trial of one individual and whether there is an issue where other bodies gave these institutions clean bills...

Other Questions: Traveller Community Issues (19 Sep 2012)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: The issue of ethnicity is not unique to Ireland - a debate is taking place throughout Europe on ethnic travelling communities, known in eastern Europe as Gypsy communities. If we can establish their ethnicity we can defend them from the small minority who have engaged in racist comments. I was very alarmed to read recently reported comments of a District Court judge referring to some...

Seanad: Commencement Matters: Services for People with Disabilities (12 Jun 2018)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I do not dispute that this was an independent process, but it was an entirely flawed process. Two Departments worked with Pobal, which is responsible for assisting communities in tackling poverty and improving inclusion throughout the State. I cannot understand how, following an extensive process, they could come up with the map I have before me. The map shows that no organisations north...

Seanad: Mental Health (Capacity To Consent To Treatment) Bill 2018: Second Stage (10 Oct 2018)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I thank my colleagues who drafted this legislation and acknowledge, in particular, Ms Grace McManus, for her work in its drafting. She is a young woman who is committed to dealing with the issue of mental health, on which she is a campaigner. It speaks volumes that she worked with Senators Máire Devine and Fintan Warfield in producing the legislation. It is important for us to...

Select Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Estimates for Public Services 2014
Vote 35 - Army Pensions (Revised)
Vote 36 - Department of Defence (Revised)
(29 Jan 2014)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: very proud when one sees the calibre of people who are representing the country at that level. It is understandable that the Air Corps regularly submits requests for upgrades, new planes and to have older aircraft replaced. Those in charge want to have the best aircraft and equipment to the members of the Air Corps in order that they can do their jobs properly. I tabled a...

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions: Cross-Border Co-operation (20 Oct 2015)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...officers, county managers and a range of key stakeholders. I met senior gardaí and PSNI officers in my role as justice spokesperson and strongly believe that we need a joint task force. We need to join up the capacity on the island to tackle the problem. I do not need to remind the Minister that the problem has cost us hundreds of millions of euro over the years, which money could...

Covid-19 (Transport): Statements (23 Sep 2020)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I wish to raise directly with the Minister the serious problems that have emerged with school transport in Donegal but also across the rest of the State. The Minister, in conjunction with the Minister for Education and Skills, Deputy Foley, overlooked the school transport challenge under the umbrella of the back-to-school plan in a very clear way. Every year at this time, families are...

Town Centre First Policy: Statements (24 Feb 2022)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: The ongoing failure to tackle effectively the issue of derelict properties and vacant properties in our town centres and across the State is unacceptable when we have a housing crisis. Let me talk about north Donegal. It is not that long ago that people could have rented a family home in the towns of north Donegal for €600 per month but now they would be lucky if they got it for less...

Select Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Personal Insolvency (Amendment) Bill 2014: Committee Stage (11 Feb 2015)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I move amendment No. 5:In page 23, between lines 38 and 39, to insert the following:“Report by Minister 18. Within one month of the coming into force of this Act the Minister shall lay before the Houses of the Oireachtas a full review of the Principal Act.”. The intent of the amendment is clear. We are anxious to see a full review of the Act laid before the Houses of the...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Public Service Oversight and Petitions: Annual Report 2013: Office of the Ombudsman (4 Jun 2014)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: I will recommend that the clerk to the committee meet with the witnesses soon. He has considerable experience of working in these areas in respect of innovations and so on. I could also attend that meeting. Will the Ombudsman write to us about any outstanding issues relating to medical cards which have not been addressed? We can then write to the Department. The Ombudsman’s...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation: Update on Brexit Engagement: Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation (23 Oct 2019)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...the terms of reference and all of the submissions. I thank the Chairperson for her patience. As the Minister may know, the committee has received several submissions which are assisting us in our work. The British Irish Chamber of Commerce raises concerns in its submission that small traders are "ill-equipped" to deal with a "significant increase" in import-export declarations. The...

Personal Insolvency (Amendment) Bill 2014: Second Stage (3 Feb 2015)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...Act has been reopened. In 2012 when this legislation was first debated, mistakes were made by an arrogant Government which decided it was better off trusting the banks rather than listening to those who work at the coalface with people in debt. We cannot let another opportunity slip past us. This time the Government must listen to those in debt and those who work with them. On the...

Appointment of Chairperson of the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission: Motion (16 Jul 2015)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...Síochána Act 2005 and considering ways of strengthening GSOC, having a policing authority, ensuring the accountability of the Garda and setting up new structures. One of our recommendations was to replace the current three-person commission with one ombudsman, as is the case in the North and other jurisdictions. We need to move to such a structure where the buck would stop with...

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions: Naval Service Operations (9 Jun 2015)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: Like me, the Minister would have been proud of the words of the President, Michael D. Higgins, when he was in Lebanon regarding Europe's failure to deal with the refugee crisis and the unacceptable catastrophe of thousands of people drowning in the Mediterranean. Italy and Malta cannot be expected to shoulder the responsibility. This is a European responsibility. I note that there has been...

Fines (Payment and Recovery) Bill 2013: Second Stage (25 Sep 2013)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn: ...and other legislation which amends existing legislation, such as the Fines Act 2010, which has never been fully implemented. I wonder how this process can take so long. The original Act came into being in 2010 and here we are three years later amending it. Why has it only ever been partially commenced? Surely there is a better way to legislate than this. That aside, I welcome this...

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