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Results 421-440 of 13,584 for speaker:Paschal Donohoe in 'Written Answers'

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Foreign Conflicts (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: I would like to welcome the re-launch of talks aimed at resolving the long-standing Cyprus question. I welcome in particular the Joint Declaration of 11 February 2014 by the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders which lays a solid foundation for the negotiations. I would urge those involved in the talks to engage fully in the process and to work in a spirit of good faith, under the...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Human Rights Issues (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: On 27 March 2014, Ireland, as an elected member of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), voted in favour of the resolution referred to by the Deputy, entitled "Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka". Of the 47 members of the Council, 23 voted in favour, 12 voted against and 12 abstained. The resolution was tabled by the United States, the United...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Humanitarian Aid (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest storms ever recorded, hit the Philippines on 8 November 2013. It is estimated that the Typhoon affected more than 14 million people, with almost 4 million remaining displaced, including some 1.5 million children. Over 6,000 lives are known to have been lost and almost 1800 people are still missing. Ireland was among the first to respond to this...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Human Rights Issues (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: I am very concerned at developments in Venezuela over the last two months. In particular, I am deeply saddened by reports of the deaths and casualties of demonstrators, law enforcement officials and bystanders. The Tánaiste and I join with the EU High Representative Catherine Ashton in calling for the immediate cessation of all violence. We urge that steps be taken to reduce tensions...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Human Rights Issues (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: I propose to take Questions Nos. 13 and 41 together. We have made clear on a number of occasions my concerns over the current human rights situation in Egypt. These concerns are widely shared by our EU partners, as should be clear from the firmly worded Conclusions on Egypt adopted by the Foreign Affairs Council on 10 February. While welcoming the adoption of the new Egyptian constitution...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Overseas Development Aid (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: We are deeply concerned at the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus in Guinea and the potential that this could become a regional epidemic. Since the official declaration last week by the Government of Guinea of the outbreak of haemorrhagic fever, better known as the Ebola virus, 122 people have been infected including 78 who have died. Four health care workers are among the victims. While...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: EU Issues (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: I propose to take Questions Nos. 17 and 44 together. The widely perceived rise in support for parties at the edges of the political spectrum is a matter of some concern. But I do not believe that it is divorced from other major preoccupations across Europe as we emerge from the severe and very long economic crisis. This may well have contributed to a sense of detachment from the EU, which...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Military Aircraft Landings (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: The Air Navigation (Foreign Military Aircraft) Order 1952 gives the Minister for Foreign Affairs primary responsibility for the regulation of activity by foreign military aircraft in Ireland. In this context, permission for foreign military aircraft to land at Irish airports is given only on condition that the aircraft are unarmed, carry no arms, ammunition or explosives and do not engage in...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: US Immigration Reform (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: The Taoiseach discussed immigration reform and the plight of our undocumented in many of the meetings and public engagements during the recent St Patrick’s Day visit to Washington DC. In addition to substantive discussion of the issues with President Obama and Vice President Biden, the Taoiseach also discussed the prospects for progress with a range of other members of Congress...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Diplomatic Representation (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: When the Embassy to the Holy See is re-opened later this year, it is intended that it will be staffed by one diplomatic officer. I regret that it is not possible to give a definitive figure for the projected establishment and other costs for the Vatican Embassy in 2014 because this will depend on a number of factors which have yet to be determined in consultation with the host authorities....

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Military Aircraft Landings (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: As the Tánaiste has clearly stated on numerous occasions, the use of Irish airspace and airports for extraordinary rendition operations has not, and will not, be permitted under any circumstances. The current Programme for Government states clearly that this Government "will enforce the prohibition of the use of Irish airports and related facilities for purposes not in line with the...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Ministerial Travel (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: St. Patrick’s Day offers a unique opportunity to promote Ireland’s economic and political interests overseas, with levels of publicity and media attention unmatched by the national day of any other country. Ministerial visits around this period are organised to ensure that we use this exposure to maximise the promotion of Ireland’s trade, tourism and investment interests...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Trade Relations (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: The European Council decided at its meeting on 20-21 March to widen a visa ban and asset freeze against named individuals in Russia and to cancel the next EU-Russia summit. It took these targeted measures in view of the absence of any steps towards de-escalation by Moscow in Ukraine. While remaining open for dialogue, the European Council recalled that any further steps by the Russian...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Humanitarian Access (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: The protracted and tragic crisis in Syria has resulted in unprecedented levels of humanitarian need, requiring a sustained response from the international community. The number of fatalities is now estimated to exceed 140,000 people. There are now over 9.3 million people within Syria who are in need of immediate life-saving support, with a further 2.5 million Syrian refugees requiring...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Middle East Issues (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: There has been no discussion at EU level in relation to bringing about the release of Marwan Barghouti, nor has the Tánaiste raised the issue with the Israeli Government.Marwan Barghouti was sentenced in 2004 to five life sentences for murder, having been convicted of involvement in a number of attacks, including a suicide attack on Israeli civilians. He is nonetheless often reported as...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Overseas Development Aid Provision (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: The Government is very strongly committed to Ireland’s overseas aid programme and to its place at the heart of Irish foreign policy. The aid programme is regarded internationally as one of the most effective in delivering results in the fight against poverty and hunger. Our commitment to development cooperation is clear in the Programme for Government and has been strongly reiterated...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Ministerial Travel (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: Total expenditure on overseas ministerial travel at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in the calendar year 2013, including airfares, accommodation and travel and subsistence and other costs, amounted to just over €228,500. This included the cost of travel of Ministers and staff attached to Ministerial offices. Of this total, the travel costs of the Tánaiste and the...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Scottish Referendum (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: The people of Scotland will vote in a referendum on 18 September 2014 on the question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?". That question is one which the people of Scotland, and they alone, should decide. I do not believe it would be appropriate for the Government to comment, therefore, on issues which at this stage are hypothetical, especially where comment might be perceived as...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Election Monitoring Missions (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: The Government has condemned the illegal annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation. It violates the sovereignty, political independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We have participated actively in the development of a strong EU response to Russia's military mobilisation while commending the measured response shown so far by the new Ukrainian Government. Presidential...

Written Answers — Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Middle East Issues (3 Apr 2014)

Paschal Donohoe: The Tánaiste has consistently made clear, here in the House and at EU level, and in Ireland's interventions in UN and other fora, our strong criticisms of a range of Israeli policies in the occupied Palestinian Territory, in addition to the urgent need to bring to an end the occupation itself. In these criticisms, I have focussed increasingly on aspects such as the unequal treatment of...

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