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Results 401-420 of 1,336 for speaker:Robbie Gallagher

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills: Advanced Skills Teachers and Special Classes in Mainstream Schools: Discussion (26 Jun 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I welcome the all witnesses. I particularly thank Mr. Adam Harris for his presentation and I also thank Senator Ruane for her contribution, which provided us with first-hand information of what it is like to live through that experience. I found it beneficial as I am sure we all did. The dreaded word, "resources" seems recurs in everyone's contribution. It is important that we acknowledge...

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Jun 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I would like to say a few sentences about last Sunday's Ulster football finals in Clones which I had the pleasure of attending. I congratulate Donegal on winning the senior championship and Derry on its success in the U20 championship. As the House knows, the senior match was attended by the leader of the DUP, Ms Arlene Foster. It was a positive and welcome development. From speaking to...

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Jun 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: Governments do not create jobs; businesses do.

Seanad: Order of Business (27 Jun 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: If the Leader thinks the recovery is down to the brilliance of Fine Gael, which oversaw the farce that was Irish Water, he has another think coming.

Seanad: Education (Digital Devices in Schools) Bill 2018: Second Stage (27 Jun 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I welcome the Minister back to the House today. Deputy Bruton is a regular visitor here and he is always welcome. I welcome also that through the introduction of this Bill by my colleague, Senator Craughwell, we are having a conversation in this country about digital devices and the harmful effects of the overuse of such devices, not only by children but by adults as well. While we all...

Seanad: Summer Economic Statement: Statements (27 Jun 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: Hear, hear.

Seanad: Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Committee Stage (Resumed) (27 Jun 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I move amendment No. 40:In page 26, between lines 28 and 29, to insert the following:“(9) (a) Notwithstanding subsection (7)(e)(iii), and subject to this subsection, an Irish medium school may prioritise the admission of a student where the school is satisfied that the student speaks Irish as a home language. (b) An applicant may, when making an application for admission to an Irish...

Seanad: Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Committee Stage (Resumed) (27 Jun 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I understand that there have been discussions on this matter with our spokespersons in the Lower House. It relates to Gaelscoileanna, including secondary schools, and the Minister's proposed admissions policy. I have a couple of questions to which he might reply. What standard of Irish has he in mind when he refers to children speaking Irish in "a non-educational environment"? Who will...

Seanad: Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Committee Stage (Resumed) (27 Jun 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I am happy with the Minister's response to Senator Ó Ríordáin's contribution. He has given a commitment that he will try to engage with all stakeholders involved to try to reach a compromise. I appreciate that it is difficult, but with the intent the Minister has shown in the Chamber this evening, I would be satisfied that would be the outcome.

Seanad: Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Committee Stage (Resumed) (27 Jun 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I wish to withdraw my amendment No. 40.

Seanad: Order of Business (3 Jul 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: According to figures that were released recently, over 500,000 people are waiting for outpatient appointments and 80,000 people are waiting for inpatient day procedures. These figures are at an all-time high. The National Association of General Practitioners is encouraging its members to refer patients who have been waiting for a long time to the cross-border health directive. As Senators...

Seanad: Order of Business (4 Jul 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: We are all aware of how closed-circuit television, CCTV, systems can assist to identify criminals and to deter criminals in the first instance from committing assaults and other crimes in towns and villages. Over the past three or four years €3 million has been allocated to the installation of CCTV in our towns and villages, but unfortunately only four applications have been approved...

Seanad: Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Report and Final Stages (4 Jul 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I have a few comments and the Minister might correct me if I am wrong but I understand that this legislation applies to all schools, not just private schools.I will support this Bill and this amendment. It is important to keep a sense of perspective on all of this while we have this debate. Thankfully oversubscription does not come into play in the majority of schools. We should keep that...

Seanad: Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Report and Final Stages (4 Jul 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: That sounds good coming from the Labour Party.

Seanad: Order of Business (5 Jul 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I concur with the sentiment of Senators Bacik and McDowell on the Judicial Appointments Commission Bill. The manner in which it has been handled by Government is very disappointing. I was under the impression we had entered a new era, the politics of consensus. What we have is that an individual's pet project, which he wishes to see over the line, and the members of Government collectively...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills: Employment Equality Act Order: Minister for Education and Skills (5 Jul 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: The Minister is very welcome to the committee. I too welcome and support the measure outlined in the documentation with which we have been provided. As the Minister stated, Irish society is changing by the day. We are trying to keep pace with what is happening in society. The theme of the Education (Admission to Schools) Bill, which the Minister discussed yesterday in the Seanad, is...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills: Review of Relationships and Sexuality Education: Discussion (Resumed) (5 Jul 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I welcome Mr. Curtis and Dr. Gormley and thank them for their attendance. Some of the questions have been covered so, to facilitate progress, I will not go over them again. Dr. Gormley placed great emphasis on boards of management and their importance as stakeholders. My experience of boards of management is that it is sometimes difficult to get local people to sit on them. Is that an...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills: Review of Relationships and Sexuality Education: Discussion (Resumed) (5 Jul 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: I found this debate to be informative. What I will take away from the meeting is that we all want the best for children. I speak as a parent. What I want for my children is that they would be as best equipped as possible to face the many challenges that lie ahead of them. Mr. Curtis said that in many ways here we are like a rabbit in a headlight and that is true. The world is moving at...

Seanad: Order of Business (10 Jul 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: Last week, Mr. Justice Frank Clarke published his report into the tragic circumstances surrounding the death of Sergeant Mick Galvin at Ballyshannon Garda Station in County Donegal in May 2015. Sergeant Mick Galvin's death was a terrible tragedy for his wife, Colette, their three children, their wider family circle and his Garda colleagues and community in that particular region. The report...

Seanad: Order of Business (10 Jul 2018)

Robbie Gallagher: Football is coming home.

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