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Results 261-280 of 622 for lng

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Order of Business (30 Jan 2018)

John Brassil: Page 125 of the programme for Government outlines support for an LNG project in Ballylongford, County Kerry. The owner of the land bank, Shannon Properties, sought expressions of interest in April last year and the sale was to have been completed by August. I understand a number of companies have made a bid, but we are approaching the end of January and still have no indication as to...

Seanad: Carbon Policy: Motion (19 May 2022)

Pauline O'Reilly: .... To be honest, having looked through the text of motion, it seems to be a collection of things and I am unsure why they have all been put together. I refer to aspects such as turf, data centres, LNG and nuclear power. I will discuss the issue of nuclear power specifically, but this seems to be a collection of controversial issues that have all been put into one motion. While I...

Development (Emergency Electricity Generation) Bill 2022: Second Stage (26 Oct 2022)

Michael Collins: ...democracy. We must give the people the right to speak. The opportunities this country has are phenomenal. We are surrounded by sea and wind. We have fabulous opportunities with the floating LNG terminal off County Cork. That strong possibility was put before the Minister. Obviously, loads of proposals are put before him. Representatives from a company called Mag Mell Energy gave a...

Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021: Second Stage (Resumed) (6 May 2021)

Gerald Nash: ...not be familiar with this issue, I raise for the ears of the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Deputy Ryan, in the context of our attitude to planned liquified natural gas, LNG terminals, the question of how we are going to approach these propositions in future. Via parliamentary questions, I raised the issue of a proposed floating LNG terminal off the coast of...

Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Bill 2006 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed). (15 Jun 2006)

Jimmy Deenihan: ...This is an important departure and will facilitate the development of such projects. Some of the provisions will impact on the Kerry North constituency. The construction of a liquefied natural gas, LNG, receiving terminal in the Shannon Estuary was recently proposed. The Bill will impact on the planning process for this project and the final decision on whether it will receive planning...

Job Creation (22 Nov 2011)

Richard Bruton: is very valuable, there are questions about the need to convert the building into units that would make it more usable. That issue may need to be explored locally. I met the sponsors of the LNG project. The key issue in this regard relates to the pricing of gas and whether a fee must be paid in respect of interconnectors. The issue relates to a role that does not fall to the...

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions (22 Mar 2022) See 1 other result from this debate

Michael Healy-Rae: When the Tánaiste said he was against the Shannon liquefied natural gas, LNG, project, he was nearly the cause of a car accident. I say this because a number of Fine Gael Deputies and councillors headed to the land bank in Tarbert to stand there and to say that they were in support of it. Do his Deputies and councillors have that little influence over him, or does he pay so little heed...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Energy Production (1 Jul 2021)

Eamon Ryan: ...outcome of a review of the security of energy supply of Ireland’s electricity and natural gas systems being carried out by my Department, it would not be appropriate for the development of any LNG terminals in Ireland to be permitted or proceeded with. The review of the security of energy supply of Ireland’s electricity and natural gas systems is focusing on the...

Seanad: Climate Action: Statements (5 Nov 2019) See 2 other results from this debate

Ned O'Sullivan: ...Humphreys for obliging me. It has been a very interesting debate, and I am going to confine myself to one particular aspect of it, which will not surprise anybody here, and that is the Shannon LNG project. I have been in the House 12 years and I think my maiden speech here asked the Government of the day to support that project and to put everything it could behind it. Here we are 12...

Written Answers — Industrial Development: Industrial Development (6 Mar 2007)

Micheál Martin: ...of Ireland at a national and regional level by supporting research in companies and third level institutions. Shannon Development has entered into an 'option-to-purchase' agreement with Shannon LNG in relation to 281 acres of the 600-acre Shannon Development owned land bank between Tarbert and Ballylongford, County Kerry. Under this agreement, it is proposed to build a €400 million...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Energy Policy (17 Dec 2020)

Eamon Ryan: The Programme for Government recognises that as Ireland moves towards carbon neutrality, it does not make sense to develop liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals that import fracked gas. The Programme for Government commits to developing a policy statement to establish that approach. My Department is in the process of developing the policy statement which includes consideration...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Natural Gas Imports (1 Mar 2022)

Eamon Ryan: ...shelf - Imported gas via pipelines to Norway - Imported gas via a pipeline to the Netherlands - Imported gas via a pipeline to Belgium - Imported gas at a number of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) reception terminals in the UK - Withdrawals from gas storage facilities in the UK.

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Energy Policy (10 May 2022)

Eamon Ryan: ...of Ireland’s natural gas comes from the Corrib gas field with the remaining three-quarters imported from the UK which has a diverse source of gas including indigenous gas, gas from Norway, LNG, gas storage and via interconnectors with the Netherlands and Belgium.   Ireland is not directly connected to the gas system of any other Member State and cannot export gas over the...

Written Answers — National Gas Grid: National Gas Grid (13 Jun 2012) See 1 other result from this answer

Brendan Griffin: Question 137: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he expects the Shannon LNG project to wait indefinitely until the Commission for Energy Regulation is ready to decide what it is doing in relation to interconnector tariff policy; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that a €600 million investment in North Kerry and hundreds of jobs are now at...

Gnó na Dála - Business of Dáil (2 Oct 2019)

Seán Kyne: It is proposed, notwithstanding anything in Standing Orders or the Order of Business on 1 October, that statements on the development of a liquefied natural gas, LNG, facility in Ireland shall be taken after the weekly divisions tomorrow. The statements shall conclude within 85 minutes and the sitting shall suspend after the statements for 40 minutes in accordance with Standing Order 25(1)....

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications: Green Paper on Energy Policy: Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (4 Jun 2014) See 4 other results from this debate

Pat Rabbitte: ...I had to read, is a very detailed and extensive unravelling of the complex issues arising. I was persuaded by the correctness of the decision. It is not right to say that it has prevented the LNG project from proceeding at Tarbert. Coincidently, I met the promoters of the LNG plant at Tarbert last night. I remain hopeful that it will provide an extra string to our bow in terms of an...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications: EU Energy Policy: Discussion with EU Commissioner for Energy (20 Sep 2012) See 1 other result from this debate

...environmentally friendly and flexible. As a power source it is more flexible than a coal or nuclear power plant can be. Our strategy is to diversify sources and tools for gas supply. We have new LNG terminals and new pipelines. We have to open new regions such as the southern corridor with Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. I do not know what the concrete business case is for the Irish LNG...

Written Answers — Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Energy Policy (24 Feb 2021)

Eamon Ryan: The Programme for Government recognises that as Ireland moves towards carbon neutrality, it does not make sense to develop LNG terminals that import fracked gas and commits to developing a policy statement to establish that approach. My Department is in the process of developing the policy statement, which includes consideration of any necessary legal and regulatory provisions. This includes...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht: European Union Presidency and Environment Council Meeting: Discussion (13 Dec 2012)

Michelle Mulherin: ...desired. For many, they are not feasible for the Irish pattern of day-to-day usage. What alternatives to petrol and diesel at the pumps have been considered, for example, liquefied natural gas, LNG? Modifying-----

Climate Action: Statements (30 Sep 2021)

Richard Bruton: ...else must take the initiative before you ask me to do anything", which is what I hear continuously here. I regard it as climate cynicism. It is about "the data centres must do something or LNG must do something". There is always someone else who must do something before people will face their own responsibilities.

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