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Results 201-220 of 7,105 for in 'Written Answers' speaker:Brian Lenihan Jnr

Written Answers — Child Care Payments: Child Care Payments (21 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The Office of the Minister for Children, OMC, has been given responsibility for the early child care supplement which is being introduced with effect from 1 April 2006. The payment, which is non-taxable, will amount to €1,000 per annum and will be made to parents of all eligible children aged less than six years, in quarterly instalments of €250. The supplement will be paid where a child...

Written Answers — Child Care Services: Child Care Services (21 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: I propose to take Questions Nos. 136 and 137 together. The Government's commitment to a major investment in child care services is reflected in the fact that it has introduced a new €575 million national child care investment programme 2006-10 in advance of the completion of its predecessor, the €499 million EU co-funded equal opportunities child care programme, EOCP, 2000-06, which will...

Written Answers — Child Care Services: Child Care Services (21 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: While the Office of the Minister for Children, OMC, is responsible for the early child care supplement, the administrative arrangements for the payment will be dealt with by the Department of Social and Family Affairs, acting on an agency basis on behalf of the OMC. I understand that the Department of Social and Family Affairs is taking the necessary steps to put these arrangements in place...

Written Answers — Child Care Services: Child Care Services (21 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, through the Reception and Integration Agency, is responsible for providing accommodation and services to asylum seeking families. Where a child protection issue arises within these arrangements, the Child Protection Policy for Accommodation Centres, which I launched in October of last year, is implemented and a referral is made to the Health...

Written Answers — Child Care Services: Child Care Services (21 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The Deputy's question relates to the management and delivery of health and personal social services, which are the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, the Department has requested the parliamentary affairs division of the executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. The foster care...

Written Answers — Health Service Inspections: Health Service Inspections (21 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: I understand from my colleague, the Minister for Education and Science, Deputy Hanafin, that the service in question is a special school and is the responsibility of the Department of Education and Science. It does not come within the remit of the inspection of children's residential centres by the Health Service Executive provided for in the Child Care Act of 1991. Neither does it come...

Written Answers — School Absenteeism: School Absenteeism (21 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The Education (Welfare) Act 2000 established the National Educational Welfare Board as the single national body with responsibility for school attendance. As part of its remit the board is responsible for the collection and analysis of school attendance data. Officials from the Department and Science have asked the board to collate the information requested by the Deputy about the level of...

Written Answers — Special Educational Needs: Special Educational Needs (21 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The Department of Education and Science is anxious that all children, including children with autistic spectrum disorders, receive a form of education that is appropriate to their needs. The preferred approach to the provision of appropriate education for all children, including children with autism, is through the primary and post-primary school network, whether through placement in...

Written Answers — School Attendance: School Attendance (21 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The Government is determined to do all that is possible to ensure that all children get the opportunities and support they need to enable them to complete their education. Measures designed to improve school completion include the establishment of the National Educational Welfare Board, NEWB, under the Education (Welfare) Act 2000, with a remit to monitor school attendance, help parents to...

Written Answers — Social Welfare Benefits: Social Welfare Benefits (22 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: I propose to take Questions Nos. 132 to 134, inclusive, together. My office has been given responsibility for the early child care supplement which is being introduced with effect from 1 April 2006. The payment, which is non-taxable, will amount to €1,000 per annum and will be made to parents of all eligible children aged less than six years, in quarterly instalments of €250. The...

Written Answers — Child Care Services: Child Care Services (22 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: As the Deputy may be aware, the National Childcare Investment Programme 2006 — 2010 is being implemented by the newly established office of the Minister of State with responsibility for children, OMC, under my auspices. This programme builds on the success of the Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme 2000 — 2006, EOCP, which will conclude in 2007. The new programme aims to provide a...

Written Answers — Child Care Services: Child Care Services (23 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: While issues relating to school services, including school transport services, are appropriate to the Minister for Education and Science, the Deputy may be aware of the recently announced National Childcare Investment Programme 2006-2010 which will provide a proactive response to the development of quality child care supports and services, including services for school age child care. The...

Written Answers — Child Care Services: Child Care Services (29 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The Deputy's question relates to the management and delivery of health and personal social services, which are the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested the parliamentary affairs division of the executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy. I am aware,...

Written Answers — Child Care Services: Child Care Services (29 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: As the Deputy will be aware, the National Childcare Investment Programme 2006-2010 is being implemented by the newly established Office of the Minister for Children under my auspices. With regard to the application for staffing grant assistance under the Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme 2000-2006 referred to by the Deputy, I understand that the community-based group in question was...

Written Answers — Departmental Strategy Statements: Departmental Strategy Statements (29 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The Office of the Minister for Children is adopting an evidence-informed approach to the development of the recreation policy. I recently launched the report of the public consultation which was undertaken to give all interested parties, including young people, a chance to have a say in the development of the policy. The findings of the research published late last year and the key issues...

Written Answers — Health Services: Health Services (30 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The Deputy's question relates to the management and delivery of health and personal social services, which are the responsibility of the Health Service Executive under the Health Act 2004. Accordingly, my Department has requested the parliamentary affairs division of the executive to arrange to have this matter investigated and to have a reply issued directly to the Deputy.

Written Answers — Health Services: Health Services (30 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The case referred to by the Deputy has been referred to the Health Service Executive which, under the Health Act 2004, has statutory responsibility for the provision of services under the Child Care Act 1991, as amended. I have asked the parliamentary affairs division of the executive to look into this matter and reply directly to the Deputy as a matter of urgency.

Written Answers — School Absenteeism: School Absenteeism (30 Mar 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The Government is determined to do all that is possible to ensure that all children get all the opportunities and support they need to enable them to complete their education. Measures designed to improve school completion include the establishment of the National Educational Welfare Board in 2002 with a remit to monitor school attendance, help parents to get a school place for their child...

Written Answers — Youth Services: Youth Services (4 Apr 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The Office of the Minister for Children was established in accordance with the Government decision of 7 December 2005 to place the interests of children at the heart of Government and to build on the successes achieved in the national children's strategy. The responsibilities of the new office within the Department of Health and Children will comprise the following: the equal opportunities...

Written Answers — Youth Services: Youth Services (4 Apr 2006)

Brian Lenihan Jnr: The functions of the new Office of the Minister for Children, within the Department of Health and Children, are as follows: the equal opportunities child care programme, transferred from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform; the programmes and activities of the National Children's Office; and the policy and legislative work on child welfare and protection conducted by the...

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