Dáil debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Social Welfare Payments

3:45 pm

Photo of Bernard DurkanBernard Durkan (Kildare North, Fine Gael)
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I apologise for my late entry. I assumed my matter was No. 4 but it is No. 1. I tabled this matter on the basis of a few experiences I have had in recent times. The first relates to a person who has serious health problems, who is not and will never be fit to work again. The person made an application for a disability allowance, which takes forever of course, as we all know. In the meantime, an application was made for an interim payment - a basic supplementary welfare payment, which takes as long as the application for disability allowance, so nothing happened.

In the meantime, the person concerned has accumulated substantial rent arrears in a council house. The person's electricity has been cut off. Various hardships have been imposed by virtue of the fact that the person was not fit enough to deal with the system. The system was so convoluted and had so many obstacles in it that the situation just got worse.

I complained to the area concerned and I am not happy with the response I got because there was no intention on the part of the person at the other end of the telephone to do anything about it, other than to say that I can take it up with whoever I like but that is the way it is. I am taking it up now. I honestly cannot understand how people with that attitude are on the front line in the delivery of services to the general public. The public are supposed to be treated properly and not to be in any way condemned because of their age, colour, race or any other consideration. The process is in place to be operated fairly and unequivocally and not at the behest of somebody who decides they want to teach a person a lesson. That is one case.

I had another complaint recently from somebody who entered a public office operated by the State, who wanted to use the toilet. The person was told there was no toilet. It so happens that the person was suffering from a particular illness, which caused a serious problem. I reported the issue the day before I had to go to hospital myself because I thought it was urgent.

A public office should be able to treat members of the public with respect for a start. In a public office, there are certain procedures that have to be followed, just as in a filling station, a State office or a private office. Such facilities are supposed to be available but they were not available. I do not know the reason for the facilities not being available. I made a phone call to the individuals concerned and I asked that they make contact with the person, who was deeply distressed. I do not know if anything was said by the person that contributed to the situation but the fact of the matter is that sufficient time has now elapsed for something to happen. What happened? Nothing.

That indicates a certain amount of contempt for public representatives. I do not mind being held in contempt, but there is a price to be paid for it. We should never forget the fact that we are all in the service of the public. Some 99.9% of civil servants and public servants are conscious of that and exercise that in the spirit in which it was intended they would, on a daily basis. Unfortunately, there are one or two exceptions. We must deal with that satisfactorily and quickly. Two or three months is sufficient time to deal with it and I hope a resolution will emerge.

Photo of Dara CallearyDara Calleary (Mayo, Fianna Fail)
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Gabhaim buíochas leis an Teachta. I have a different topic. It is in the social protection area but it relates to obtaining payments. We can shoehorn it into what the Deputy has just said. I am taking this matter on behalf of the Minister, Deputy Humphreys. In my time I have not had any such experience. I have been fortunate in that we have had an excellent relationship with the Department of Social Protection right across the country. It has given excellent service.

The delivery of crucial and locally based community welfare services to meet the challenges and needs of citizens is a priority for me and for the Minister, Deputy Humphreys. The community welfare service, CWS, continues to provide a flexible service to meet the different needs of clients, who may suddenly find themselves in a financially difficult or vulnerable situation. I agree with the Deputy that it is important that this service is easily accessible and responsive to a client's needs at a particular time.

The basic supplementary welfare allowance, additional needs payments and other supplements are administered by designated persons in the community welfare service who consider the requirements of the legislation and all the particular circumstances of the case.

Typically, as the Deputy is well aware, a person has applied for another social welfare payment to which they may be entitled. Basic supplementary welfare allowance, SWA, may be provided on a temporary basis while other claims are being processed.

There is a full-time community welfare officer presence in more than 50 Intreo centres nationwide from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. Intreo centres and branch offices are open five days per week. There is also a CWS national phone line. Complex queries or requests to speak with a CWO are escalated within minutes to a dedicated team of CWOs who speak to the customer and progress the query by phone. In all instances where it appears that the customer’s need is urgent, the query is referred to the local CWO for immediate follow-up on the ground, as referred to by the Deputy. Any person who needs to access the CWS can attend an office or call the phone line to make an appointment for a consultation on the same day with a CWO.

When considering an application for a basic SWA payment, the Department may ask for a number of supporting documents to ensure the person receives the correct level of payment. There are not intended to be any delays in processing applications. There are no backlogs and work on hand currently is within the normal CWS processing levels. Where the required claim application forms and documentation are supplied, claims are with the local CWOs for decision on the same day. Complete basic SWA applications, which are accompanied by the necessary supporting documentation, are finalised within one week of receipt in the Minister's Department. Where it has been identified that a person has an urgent or immediate need, as we are all familiar in dealing with, regardless of whether they have provided all of the required documentation, these claims are referred immediately to a CWO. Some 19% of all payments are made on the day of application. I thank the Deputy for the opportunity to clarify this situation. I will refer his remarks to the Minister, Deputy Humphreys. I can only say that my own experience has been universally positive.

3:55 pm

Photo of Bernard DurkanBernard Durkan (Kildare North, Fine Gael)
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I thank the Minister of State for his reply, which is exactly accurate. That is what the supplementary welfare payment is supposed to be. It is supposed to be a short-term interim payment while investigations are taking place. I was previously a Minister of State in that Department, so I am fairly familiar with it. I have never had that experience before either. Somebody obviously felt that the time was ripe to tell the Government backbenchers to so-and-so off with themselves and so on. It is noted, but it is not accepted. I will pursue that to hell and back because when we are dealing with the public, the first contact we have creates an impression. I got two complaints from two genuine people. I have two more as well, but I do not propose to go into them today because I resolved them at the time. Maybe I got different officials dealing with the situation. I do not want to be part and parcel of a continuous complaint and whinge about anything, but I take exception to any situation where the State is in the delivery of services to vulnerable members of the public in particular. I know there are people in this House who in the past have had to stick their hand in their own pocket to address the immediate situation. I have to say there are no such circumstances I am aware of. We should revert to form in the sense that in the case of a disability allowance application the basic payment should be paid in lieu of that on an interim basis. If the person is not entitled to the disability allowance it is ceased, but care should be taken of the fact that the person does not apply for these things for the fun of it. I again thank the Minister of State.

Photo of Dara CallearyDara Calleary (Mayo, Fianna Fail)
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That is a given. If somebody is in a vulnerable or emergency situation, payment can be made on the day. In 19% of cases, payment is made on the day. I genuinely assert that in my experience, the CWOs my office and I deal with have always been attuned to the urgency of any particular circumstance. I will ensure the Minister, Deputy Humphreys, is aware of Deputy Durkan's contribution.