Dáil debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

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Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

Island Communities

10:40 am

Photo of Catherine ConnollyCatherine Connolly (Galway West, Independent)
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68. To ask the Minister for Rural and Community Development further to Parliamentary Question No. 2696 of the 23 July 2024, the status of the transfer to her Department of land on Inishbofin on which the airstrip is situated and on part of which it is proposed to build a primary care centre; if the land transfer been completed; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [40852/24]

Photo of Catherine ConnollyCatherine Connolly (Galway West, Independent)
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My question relates to Inishbofin off the coast of Galway, and specifically with regard to a transfer of land from the county council to the Minister of State's Department and then on to the Health Service Executive, to facilitate the building of a primary care or health centre. I followed this up with the senior Minister and in fairness, she took a hands-on approach to the matter. It has been going on for 20 years, so I would like the Minister of State to update me on where that is at.

Photo of Joe O'BrienJoe O'Brien (Dublin Fingal, Green Party)
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I thank the Deputy for the question. I have good news this morning. I am pleased to advise that the transfer of land on which the Inishbofin airstrip is situated has been completed as of today.

The Deputy will recall that these lands were acquired by Galway County Council by way of compulsory purchase order, which was originally initiated over 20 years ago. The Chief State Solicitor's office has been acting on behalf of the Department and has advised that the transfer of lands to my Department is due to be concluded. It is concluded - I am sorry, I am working on yesterday's notes but I got news this morning that it was done.

Regarding the part of the site that is intended for use by the HSE for a primary care centre, the CSSO has also advised that contracts and maps were sent to the HSE's solicitors on 16 August. This contract could not be completed until the lands were transferred to my Department. We will shortly proceed to complete this onward transfer to the HSE and I am advised that this is expected to take place in November.

Officials from my Department visited the island last month, met with representatives of Inishbofin Development Company and also inspected the airstrip lands, including the area to be transferred to the HSE for the health centre.

Work has also been taking place at the airstrip over the past few weeks to complete the installation of permanent helipad lighting. I understand the ESB is due to connect the power to the lights in the next week or so.

This will ensure the coastguard can conduct air medical evacuations all year round. If the Deputy is interested, and I am sure she is, I can give her some updates on Inis Oírr and Inis Meáin piers in follow-up replies.

10:50 am

Photo of Catherine ConnollyCatherine Connolly (Galway West, Independent)
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I very much appreciate the good news. As I said, it has taken 20 years to get the land. Let me concentrate on the good news that it is now in the Department's possession and the project will go to the HSE. The process should be completed by November. I will then be able to take this issue to a different Department, depending on what the electorate says, to ensure the health centre is built. I welcome that. The Minister of State probably does not have any idea what the plans of the HSE are in terms of when construction will start. I refer to the Minister of State's generous offer to update me on the other islands. I would very much appreciate that.

Photo of Joe O'BrienJoe O'Brien (Dublin Fingal, Green Party)
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As the Deputy might suspect, I do not have details on the HSE plans. This project will pass to it soon in terms of further questions.

My officials and Galway County Council have worked continuously to progress the pier developments on Inis Oírr and Inis Meáin. I can confirm that progress has been made in recent months. In July last year, the Minister gave approval to issue a request for tender for the development of the Inis Oírr pier and Galway County Council is currently undertaking this process. The closing date for the receipt of stage 2 tenders was 23 August and Galway County Council is currently carrying out an assessment and evaluation of all valid tender responses. I understand it is working on the final business case, with a view to submitting it to my Department next month.

Progress is also being made on the Inis Meáin harbour facilities and a request for tender was launched by Galway County Council on 19 July, with a closing date for submissions of 20 September. The current status of the Inis Meáin feasibility study on marine infrastructure improvement options is that the closing date for submission of tenders was 20 September and the responses are currently being assessed, with a view to appointing a consultant in the coming weeks.

Photo of Catherine ConnollyCatherine Connolly (Galway West, Independent)
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Again, there is a long history to the projects on both islands. Inis Meáin, in particular, has gone through phases 1, 2 and 3. I can tell the Minister of State about the level of frustration on the ground. We have certainly felt it as TDs. Regarding Inis Oírr, the county council is currently examining the tenders. Is a business case being prepared simultaneously? What is the position? When will that business case be submitted?

Regarding Inis Meáin, did consultation on the feasibility study conclude on 20 September? It is hard to note the dates as the Minister of State is speaking. He has said a little progress has been made, in terms of taking minor steps forward. I call them minor because the level of frustration in Inis Meáin is significant. I would appreciate if the Minister of State could give me the details in writing. I welcome the progress on the health centre.

Photo of Joe O'BrienJoe O'Brien (Dublin Fingal, Green Party)
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I will do that. Regarding Inis Oírr, I understand the county council is working on the final business case, with a view to submitting it to my Department next month. On Inis Meáin, the current status of the feasibility study is that the closing date for the submission of tenders was 20 September. The responses are currently being assessed, with a view to appointing a consultant in the coming weeks.