Dáil debates

Thursday, 3 October 2024

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Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

Primary Care Centres

10:50 am

Photo of Marian HarkinMarian Harkin (Sligo-Leitrim, Independent)
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4. To ask the Minister for Health if he will act on the urgent need to upgrade and extend the HSE-owned building from which the Gurteen family practice operates; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [39546/24]

Photo of Marian HarkinMarian Harkin (Sligo-Leitrim, Independent)
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Will the Minister act on the urgent need to upgrade and extend the building from which the Gurteen family practice in County Sligo operates? I visited the practice two weeks ago. It is run by Dr. Helen Fitzsimons and was named rural practice of the year for 2024. I saw first hand the urgent need to upgrade the building.

Sadly, I wish to extend my most sincere sympathy to Dr. Fitzsimons and her children on the sudden death last week of their beloved husband and father, Tom Bradley. May he rest in peace.

Photo of Stephen DonnellyStephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)
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I join the Deputy in offering my sincere condolences to Dr. Fitzsimons, her children and the entire family on their recent bereavement.

The Gurteen health centre is located in south Sligo. The centre houses a public health nursing service, a day centre for older persons and the local GP practice. Local HSE primary care management has advised that it is aware of the issue of restricted space within the building for the GP practice. While it is not possible to extend the building, the HSE is conducting an options appraisal process to scope out options for the reconfiguration and refurbishment of the building. It is intended that this process will be completed in the coming weeks and, following appropriate discussions with stakeholders, a priority submission for capital funding is to be put forward. This is a long, official way of saying that the HSE is aware of the problem and is looking to solve it. The HSE will finalise some options in a matter of weeks, which is welcome to hear, and will prioritise whatever the preferred option is.

I thank the Deputy for raising this matter. I will ask my officials in the HSE to keep her updated on progress.

Photo of Marian HarkinMarian Harkin (Sligo-Leitrim, Independent)
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I am pleased to hear that the process will be completed in the coming weeks and a priority application for capital funding will be put forward.

When I visited the practice two weeks ago, I could see for myself the urgent need to upgrade the building. The reception area is tiny and cramped. There are three receptionists. There are wires trailing over sinks. It doubles as a kitchenette and a storage area. There are holes in the floor. The building is unsafe. That practice sees between 4,000 and 5,000 patients; it is a huge practice. The most crucial issue, which is pretty disgusting, is the fact that the wastewater system is malfunctioning. I am told staff have to come in nearly an hour before the practice opens in the morning, run the taps and flush the toilets continuously, and open the windows so that people can come in an hour later. The Minister will hear from what I am saying the urgency in this matter.

11:00 am

Photo of Stephen DonnellyStephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)
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It is clear that urgent remediation is required. It is welcome that the HSE intends to conduct the assessments and will be back within a couple of weeks. There is important additional good news for the area. The planned primary care centre in nearby Tubbercurry is due to commence building early next year, which is welcome. The existing primary and mental health care centre in Ballymote is to provide the majority of HSE primary services in the area. It is intended that this will allow for the reconfiguration and refurbishment of the Gurteen health centre for all of the very pressing reasons the Deputy has articulated today.

Photo of Marian HarkinMarian Harkin (Sligo-Leitrim, Independent)
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I thank the Minister. The people in Tubbercurry and Ballymote will be very pleased with that. What is at issue here is the Gurteen health centre. They told me the HSE maintenance manager has been as helpful as he can. He has done everything he can but the problem is a severe one and it is just papering over the cracks.

I know the Minister is really interested in women's health. Dr. Fitzsimons runs a women's health clinic two days a month in Manorhamilton and many patients come to her clinic for women's health issues specifically in Gurteen. That is one of the reasons she and her brilliant staff are so busy. It is a really important service and we must ensure the building in which it is being provided is up to standard. I am pleased with the Minister's response and look forward to working with him and his officials to progress this matter.

Photo of Stephen DonnellyStephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)
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I thank the Deputy. I acknowledge the work of Dr. Fitzsimons on women's health. I was delighted earlier this week to be able to expand that. This will be our fifth budget in a row where we really do prioritise women's healthcare. There have been a few important additions which Dr. Fitzsimons and all the other GPs will be aware of and will be part of. One is the expansion of IVF eligibility, which will make a big difference to a lot of couples. The first step on that fertility journey is with the GP. It is they who refer into the six regional centres, who then refer on for IVF. HRT is being made free. This has been welcomed around the country. The medical professionals and GPs are saying it is great because it removes barriers. I was talking to one lady in Wicklow yesterday who said she was spending €1,000 a year on HRT. I commend Dr. Fitzsimons and all of our GPs around the country on their championing of the women's health priorities over the last years.