Dáil debates

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

An Garda Síochána

10:00 am

Photo of Jennifer Murnane O'ConnorJennifer Murnane O'Connor (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fianna Fail)
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13. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the number of gardaí, as well as Garda staff, assigned to Borris, Carlow, Hacketstown, Muine Bheag, Myshall, Rathvilly and Tullow stations. [38008/24]

Photo of Jennifer Murnane O'ConnorJennifer Murnane O'Connor (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fianna Fail)
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I wish to know the number of gardaí, as well as Garda staff, assigned to Borris, Carlow, Hacketstown, Bagenalstown, Myshall, Rathvilly and Tullow stations.

Photo of James BrowneJames Browne (Wexford, Fianna Fail)
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I thank the Deputy for raising this very important matter on the number of gardaí, as well as Garda staff, assigned to Borris, Carlow, Hacketstown, Muine Bheag, Myshall, Rathvilly and Tullow stations.

The Government is committed to ensuring that An Garda Síochána has the resources it needs to fight crime and a strengthened, well-resourced Garda organisation is central to this policy. The Minister, Deputy McEntee, and I were pleased to secure unprecedented funding of over €2.35 billion for this year, a 25% increase since 2020, which is supporting the continued recruitment of Garda members and staff.

At the end of June, the latest date for which published figures are available, there were more than 14,000 Garda members assigned across the country, an increase since 2015 when there were 12,816 gardaí. While the Garda Commissioner is operationally responsible for the allocation of Garda resources, the Minister, Deputy McEntee, and I engage regularly with him to ensure our gardaí have the resources they need. I am informed that when consideration is given to the allocation and transfer of Garda members to and from any division, account is given to commitments and undertakings outlined in the annual policing plan and priorities as determined in delivering A Policing Service for The Future.

I understand that the requirements of all Garda divisions nationwide are also taken into account, which include: local and national crime trends and workloads; policing arrangements and operational strategies; minimum establishment statistics; local population and trends, geographical area and size; and transfer applications, including welfare, personnel issues and concerns.

At the end of June this year, there were 310 Garda members assigned to the Kilkenny-Carlow division, with 98 Garda members assigned to the Carlow community engagement area, including 79 gardaí, 14 sergeants, four inspectors and one superintendent. This represents an increase of more than 9% since the end of 2015. At the end of June, there were 74 Garda members assigned to Carlow Garda station, with 57 gardaí, 12 sergeants, four inspectors and one superintendent. A total of ten Garda members were assigned to Tullow Garda station, with nine gardaí and one sergeant, and ten Garda members were assigned to Mhuine Bheag Garda station, with nine gardaí and one sergeant. Borris, Hacketstown, Myshall and Rathvilly Garda stations are smaller stations and have lower numbers of gardaí assigned to each. Under the operating model, they are also supported by their wider community engagement functional area.

10:10 am

Photo of Jennifer Murnane O'ConnorJennifer Murnane O'Connor (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fianna Fail)
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We have seen a decline in the number of gardaí in County Carlow. A few weeks ago Tullow daycare centre, which is a daycare centre for elderly people where 50 people go each day, had a break-in and yesterday there was a second break-in when the bus was stolen from this daycare centre. Crime has increased and there is no point in saying differently. We are short of gardaí. I met superintendent Anthony Farrell and I can only sing the praises of him, his team of gardaí and his staff. We need more gardaí in Carlow. We have to have them. Our population has grown. What I find is happening now is that if gardaí are transferred or retire they are not being replaced.

Photo of James BrowneJames Browne (Wexford, Fianna Fail)
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The number of gardaí in the area has increased by 9% since the end of 2015. We are carrying out a recruitment process in Templemore for An Garda Síochána and this has sped up significantly, with a significant number of gardaí graduating from there. There is a challenge with Garda numbers but as the numbers increase I have no doubt additional gardaí will be assigned to the Kilkenny-Carlow division.

Photo of Jennifer Murnane O'ConnorJennifer Murnane O'Connor (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fianna Fail)
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I need to repeat that I have spoken with superintendent Anthony Farrell. We need more gardaí. The population of County Carlow has grown, which is very welcome. We had one of the highest growth rates in the most recent census. We do not have enough gardaí. We do not have enough community gardaí on the ground. We have seen an increase in burglaries. I spoke about one in Tullow which is an example. We do not have enough gardaí in Carlow and we need to get more. We were to look at opening the Leighlinbridge Garda station which was closed. That commitment was given three years ago and it is still not open. We need to have more gardaí in County Carlow.

Photo of James BrowneJames Browne (Wexford, Fianna Fail)
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I condemn the incidents of crime outlined by Deputy Murnane O'Connor. They are absolutely outrageous and I have no doubt An Garda Síochána will leave no stone unturned in investigating these criminal activities. There is an excellent chief superintendent in Anthony Pettit, who is originally of the Wicklow-Wexford division. No doubt the chief superintendent would very much appreciate additional gardaí, as would every chief superintendent throughout the country. We acknowledge there is not a sufficient number of gardaí in the country but we are increasing the number as quickly as possible through Templemore.