Dáil debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

2:00 pm

Photo of Seán Ó FearghaílSeán Ó Fearghaíl (Kildare South, Ceann Comhairle)
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I welcome you all back. Apologies that the bells did not ring. Members might indulge me for a moment because I am conscious we are facing into an extremely busy parliamentary schedule with a number of very important items of business over the next number of weeks. Before we begin today's session, however, it would be remiss of me as Ceann Comhairle not to make a few remarks on the issue of the Leinster House bicycle shelter - the infamous shelter - the cost of which has been rightly criticised since it was disclosed. Members of this House have received countless emails, texts and phone calls about the exorbitant cost of the shelter. Nobody can understand how a simple structure to park bikes ended up costing €336,000 of taxpayers' money. I know I speak for everyone in this House when I say it is a profound embarrassment and the depth of public anger is entirely justified.

As many Members will be aware, the Office of Public Works is the landlord of Leinster House and other historic buildings. In the recent past it has done outstanding work on the restoration of Georgian Leinster House. While the Chairman of the OPW is preparing a report on the project for the relevant Minister, as Chairman of the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission I have asked the Chairman of the OPW to attend our meeting next week where he will have the opportunity to explain and to answer questions. Specifically, it is important to find out why the value for money of the project was not queried when the cost became clear to the OPW. As public representatives we do not get everything right and we can be rightly criticised for some of the things we do. We understand, however, that taxpayers' money must be spent prudently and carefully and we know how galling it is for those struggling to pay their bills to read about excessive expenditure of this nature on a bike shelter at Leinster House. Let me say that whatever the findings of the OPW's review, lessons must be and will be learned and there cannot be a repeat of such unwarranted and indefensible expenditure of taxpayers' money. As TDs elected to represent the people, we need to ensure that on their behalf.

Photo of Mattie McGrathMattie McGrath (Tipperary, Independent)
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On your bikes.