Dáil debates

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Motor Insurance Insolvency Compensation Bill 2024: Report and Final Stages


4:20 pm

Photo of Catherine ConnollyCatherine Connolly (Galway West, Independent)
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As no amendments have been tabled for Report Stage, we will now proceed to Fifth Stage.

Bill received for final consideration.

Question proposed: "That the Bill do now pass."

Photo of Neale RichmondNeale Richmond (Dublin Rathdown, Fine Gael)
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I have prepared copies of my statement for everyone. I will be very brief. In short, I sincerely thank all Deputies, in particular those on the finance committee on which both Deputy Farrell and I used to be members together, who contributed so constructively to the swift passage of this Bill, which will go a long way towards making life a little bit easier for motorists given the new sense of security provided by the Bill. I extend my sincere gratitude to the House. I am very happy to move the Bill on at this Stage.

Question put and agreed to.