Dáil debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

  • Urban Development (6 speeches)
    Two multiagency task forces have been set up in this city in recent years, one in the north inner city and one in Cherry Orchard. On both occasions, I welcomed those multiagency task forces, but...
  • Airport Policy (6 speeches)
    In 2019, as an Oireachtas Member, I attended a meeting with the then Minister for transport, Shane Ross. The Minister of State, Deputy Butler, was at that meeting as well. Mr. Ross essentially...
  • Pension Provisions (25 speeches)
    Ar aghaidh anois go dtí an tríú Saincheist Tráthúil in ainmneacha na dTeachtaí Seán Sherlock agus Duncan Smith: to discuss the non-payment of pension increases...