Dáil debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

Passport Services

9:20 am

Photo of Matt CarthyMatt Carthy (Cavan-Monaghan, Sinn Fein)
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3. To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade the number of passport applications on hand for more than three, six, nine and 12 months, respectively; and the measures the Passport Office is enacting to ensure the speedy processing of all applications during peak summer months. [27473/24]

Photo of Matt CarthyMatt Carthy (Cavan-Monaghan, Sinn Fein)
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I acknowledge the tremendous efforts of the Passport Office staff, particularly at this time of the year. Will the Minister tell me the number of passport applications on hand for various lengths of time? What measures are his Department and the Passport Office enacting to ensure there is a speedy processing of all applications during these peak summer months?

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)
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I thank the Deputy for acknowledging the performance of the Passport Office and the passport service.

The passport service has issued more than 625,000 passports this year. Virtually all complete passport applications are being processed within or before advertised turnaround times with the majority of adult online renewal applications issuing within two working days. There currently no backlogs and 95% of applicants apply through passport online. The passport service is well-staffed to meet the current level of demand. In terms of the specific numbers requested by the Deputy, 169 applications are with the passport service for more than three months, 85 applications are with the passport service for more than six months, and 65 applications are with the passport service for more than 12 months. This makes a total of 319 applications that have been with the passport service for more than three months. These are complex or sensitive cases that may involve citizenship, guardianship or legal issues. These require thorough examination by experienced staff and can take longer to process. There are often multiple interactions between the passport service and the applicant or their guardians during this time, as well as with other Departments and agencies if required. These complex cases are dealt with by a dedicated case officer and are prioritised for processing once the application is complete.

There are in addition more than 25,000 applications in the system for three months or more that require action from the applicant. Once the applicant has submitted their application online, they may still be required to submit supporting documentation to complete their application. The passport service issues more than 2,500 emails per week to remind applicants to submit their documents.

Photo of Matt CarthyMatt Carthy (Cavan-Monaghan, Sinn Fein)
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I have put on the record of this House on a number of occasions that when the passport service works, it works incredibly well. We have all heard people describe their surprise with the speed at which a renewed passport in particular arrives through their letterbox. At the same time, we have to acknowledge that there are incidences where there are problems. The particular issue about which I am contacted, as I am sure TDs are across the House, is when an honest mistake is made. It usually relates to either a photograph or a wrong date being put on a submission relating to verification of a child's identity. When that happens it appears that not only does the application go to the back of the queue, but that it will take the entire estimated length of time. That is deeply unfair because in many instances people will have submitted in good time for whatever travel plans they have. Has the Tánaiste discussed that particular issue with the Passport Office with a view to streamlining that process?

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)
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We keep the whole service under constant review. The passport service is in third place in the Henley global passport index as it provides our citizens with visa-free access to 193 countries. We are up there as one of the best passport services in the world. We ran a multimedia campaign again this year reminding citizens to apply for their passports on time and online. The successful campaign focused on the benefits of applying online and encouraged citizens to check their passports in advance of booking foreign travel in 2024.

I turn to the issue of photographs, dates and the use of An Garda. Fundamental to that rating is the integrity of the Irish passport. That cannot be taken lightly. It has to be taken seriously because we have a strong international reputation. The witnessing of passport forms is a vital element of the identity verification process. We have taken moves in the past to remove areas that could be a block. Civil registration of births and so on became seamlessly integrated into our system. We continually review to make it better.

Photo of Matt CarthyMatt Carthy (Cavan-Monaghan, Sinn Fein)
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Everybody values the Irish passport. It is one of many people's most prized possessions, particularly those who have had to leave our country and move elsewhere. It is a source of pride to display the passport with the harp anywhere in the world and see the value that is attached to it by others. It is also an entitlement of every Irish citizen to have a passport, and there is a responsibility on the State to provide one. As I have acknowledged, for most people particularly when it comes to renewals the experience with the Passport Office is a positive one. However, it has to be acknowledged that there are issues every year. I am regularly contacted by people about issues, and I am sure it is the same for the Tánaiste and his Deputies. Their phones are probably buzzing daily with different passport issues. Again, the Passport Office can be supportive of emergency cases or those that need an extra eye. However, the truth is that people should not have to contact their politician in order to get a passport. There should be a mechanism to secure passports in an urgent manner rather than an emergency manner, when people have to travel, need a passport quickly and there is an anomaly. There has to be a mechanism. I have raised this a number of times, but it does not seem to be addressed.

9:30 am

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)
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To be fair, the passport service has a system in place whereby applications do not go to the back of the queue, to respond to a previous question, following a request for further documents. When the passport service receives the required additional documentation from the applicant, the application is prioritised for checking and, as a result, does not go to the back of the queue. Online applications for which additional photos are requested are processed within a maximum of ten working days of receipt of the new photo. All other requests for further documents are processed within 15 working days of receipt of the additional documents for both paper and online applications.

As the Deputy knows, we do get calls, although the vast majority of people put up their hands, say they have made an awful mistake and that they cannot believe what they have done, and ask whether we can do anything for them. There is the one-day appointment service counter, where applications can be turned around in a day for urgent issues that arise when people make those mistakes.

Photo of Matt CarthyMatt Carthy (Cavan-Monaghan, Sinn Fein)
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Has the Tánaiste tried to make an appointment?

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)
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It is not bad. People have come to us after using that one-day appointment service, in Cork, Dublin and so on, and said it has been effective.