Dáil debates

Thursday, 20 June 2024

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Harbours and Piers

11:20 am

Photo of Catherine ConnollyCatherine Connolly (Galway West, Independent)
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40. To ask the Minister for Rural and Community Development further to Parliamentary Question No. 818 of 5 March 2024, for an update on the work of the steering committee tasked with monitoring progress on the development of the piers on Inis Oírr and Inis Meáin; the date of the next meeting; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [26519/24]

Photo of Catherine ConnollyCatherine Connolly (Galway West, Independent)
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Tá mé ag dul ar ais arís go cúrsaí na n-oileán. An uair seo, is mian liom tagairt a dhéanamh d’Inis Oírr agus Inis Meáin. Tá mé ag lorg eolais faoin choiste monatóireachta atá ann chun a chinntiú go mbeidh an obair atá ag teastáil déanta. I return to the issue of the islands. It is Inis Oírr and Inis Meáin this time, and the steering committee that has been set up to monitor progress on the essential works that need to be carried out on two piers, one on each island.

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
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I thank the Deputy for raising this matter again. As the Deputy is aware, Galway County Council is the responsible authority for the maintenance and development of pier infrastructure on the Aran Islands, including on Inis Oírr and Inis Meáin. There are regular meetings between officials from my Department and Galway County Council to discuss and monitor the pier development on both these islands. The last meeting was held earlier this week on Tuesday, 18 June, and the next meeting is scheduled for 16 July.

The Deputy will recall that I gave approval to Galway County Council in July 2023 to issue a request for tender for the development of the Inis Oírr pier. Galway County Council is the contracting authority and is, therefore, responsible for all aspects of the procurement process. I am advised that Galway County Council has extended the closing date for receipt of stage 2 tender responses by four weeks, to mid-August. The assessment and evaluation of all valid tender responses will be carried out by Galway County Council and should take approximately two months. Subject to the successful completion of this procurement process, it is expected that a contractor will be appointed later this year.

Regarding pier developments on Inis Meáin, my Department recently gave approval to Galway County Council to proceed to tender for the appointment of consultant engineers to develop the preliminary business case, incorporating a strategic assessment, for marine infrastructure improvement options at Inis Meáin. The draft tender document prepared by Galway County Council was discussed at the meeting held this week and is expected to be published on eTenders next month.

My Department and Galway County Council agree that there will be clear engagement with island representatives and the independent consultants to be appointed, ensuring that the entire community has input into the process. My Department will continue to engage with Galway County Council to ensure these projects are progressed as quickly as possible.

Photo of Catherine ConnollyCatherine Connolly (Galway West, Independent)
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I thank the Minister for her answer and the clarification that the steering committee is meeting regularly, including that it met on 18 June and will meet again on 16 July. I know the Minister realises why we needed an islands policy and an implementation plan. We also urgently need legislation ensuring that rights given to the islanders are all based on legislation. We are left with - I will not call it a circus - this interchange on a regular basis for essential infrastructure on both islands. Phases 1 and 2 at Caladh Mór pier on Inis Meáin were completed in 2008. We are looking at a preliminary business case and assessment for the third phase, which is absolutely essential. The lack of infrastructure is interfering with cargo ships coming in and businesses on the island.

I welcome the progress in respect of Inis Oírr. That project commenced 20 years ago. We are now in 2024 but we finally have a date, later this year, for when the contractor will be engaged. I welcome that.

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
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I visited the pier at Caladh Mór and saw the issues there. People tried to fix it years ago but trying to find the right solution has been difficult. We have gone through a long process. I am happy to try to do what I can on my side but Galway County Council also has a responsibility. My officials and Galway County Council officials continue to liaise and meet regularly on this matter. Both sets of officials are cognisant of the concerns of the residents of Inis Meáin.

My Department has given the go-ahead to the county council to proceed to tender to develop the preliminary business case. This includes the strategic assessment to look at all possible options for providing safe harbour facilities on Inis Meáin. The process must be completed in accordance with the Government's infrastructure guidelines and public expenditure requirements published in December 2023. I understand that the draft tender documents were reviewed by officials from my Department and Galway County Council earlier this week. The request for tender is due to be published on eTenders in July. I expect that consultants could be appointed and start work on this by the end of the year.

Photo of Catherine ConnollyCatherine Connolly (Galway West, Independent)
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The work was stopped for economic reasons. The briefing given by the Department in 2020 was that phase 3 did not go ahead due to the economic downturn. We are now looking again at phase 3. There was a delay because it had to go to the National Maritime College of Ireland and all of that. If the Minister thinks my frustration is bad, she should be at some of the meetings where there is frustration and anger on the delay with this pier. There are also concerns about another pier. I understand that is all being looked at now.

I again welcome the fact there is a date for the appointment of a contractor for the Inis Oírr project. I presume, and am taking it as said, there is no problem with allocation of funding at this point. Does the Minister have any idea of completion dates for the céibh on Inis Oírr?

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
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Regarding Inis Oírr, in July I gave approval to issue a request for tender. The first stage has been completed. Stage 2 of the tender process was posted on 8 April. The closing date for receipt of all documentation is set for 12 July. However, Galway County Council has advised my Department that a four-week extension has been given, meaning the new date is 9 August. The assessment of the tenders, when received, should take approximately two months. I am very keen to have this completed so that we will be in a position to appoint a contractor later in the year.

Question No. 41 taken with Question No. 39.