Dáil debates

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2024: Instruction to Committee


3:20 pm

Photo of David CullinaneDavid Cullinane (Waterford, Sinn Fein)

I will absolutely support these amendments. This is something for which we have collectively called for some time. I will make a broader point that there have been very significant developments over the past number of years in supporting women in menopause, including the establishment of menopause clinics. A whole range of other measures were put in place. The Minister outlined other areas where we can advance further over the course of the next number of years. I assume that will fall to the next government.

I will ask a question. We are obviously legislating for free HRT for women - not all women but for women who need it. I will put two issues to the Minister. When will that come into effect? Will it be free from day one, or is it something that will be incrementally brought in? The Minister referenced €20 million, but it is not exactly clear when this will go live, to use that expression, or come into effect. Is it something that will be free from day one or will it be at reduced cost and will ultimately be free over time? The other issue I have been asked to raise by younger women with endometriosis, and other women who have the symptoms of menopause at a much younger age, is whether they will be also included. Will it be women of only a certain age? The Minister might be able to come back with some of the details on that. These are issues I have been asked about.

I support the amendments. This is important progress. I welcome the funding that has been announced.


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