Dáil debates

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

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Ceisteanna - Questions

Climate Action Plan

1:30 pm

Photo of Simon HarrisSimon Harris (Wicklow, Fine Gael)

I thank colleagues. To Deputy Ó Murchú, I will seek an update on our ongoing engagement on the case of Private Seán Rooney. It is a case we take an active interest in and on which we continue to keep in close contact with the UN and the Lebanese Government. I also take the Deputy's point, which he has made before in the House, on the need for support schemes for renewable heat to be more innovative or agile in terms of responding to issues for people. I will bring that to the attention of the Minister.

Similarly, it is a fair point that if a county council is overperforming or has capacity to do more in the retrofitting system, and there is a lot of stock that needs it, we should look to reward those moving faster rather than have people move at the pace of the slowest. I will come back to the Deputy on that.

When Deputy Whitmore was raising those issues, I thought she was gearing up to raise the issue of the Glen of the Downs, which is something we will work on together.


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