Dáil debates

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Ceisteanna Eile (Atógail) - Other Questions (Resumed)

Housing Provision

9:15 pm

Photo of Darragh O'BrienDarragh O'Brien (Dublin Fingal, Fianna Fail)

The research published in July by the ESRI on population growth and structural housing demand to 2040 provides a credible evidence base for the development of revised housing targets by my Department. Officials in my Department have considered the implications of the ESRI research and estimated the level of unmet demand for the revised housing targets. They have also considered other policy imperatives, such as the appropriate mix of social, affordable and private ownership and private rental housing that will be required. The revised housing targets will have regard to the forthcoming update to the national planning framework, which is running alongside it and will be published in draft. The public consultation on it concluded on 12 September and received a significant number of submissions, which are being assessed. There is also the good work of the Housing Commission. All of that will provide an overall average housing delivery target. As the Minister of State, Deputy Dillon, said, we hope to publish the increased housing targets in the coming weeks. The targets will take effect from 2025 and provide for both new household formation and pent-up demand. The work is ongoing as I speak.

Clare County Council has a target to deliver 153 new-build social homes in 2024. In the first six months of the year, it delivered 16 new-build homes. However, Clare exceeded its targets in both 2022 and 2023. Traditionally, the delivery of social housing rises throughout the year, with the vast majority of local authority and approved housing body new delivery coming in the second half of the year, particularly the last quarter. Last year, 6,000 new social homes were delivered in the last quarter. Our projections are good for completions. Clare County Council will not just meet but exceed the target set for this year and we will then work towards the pipeline for 2025.


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