Dáil debates

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: From the Seanad


7:30 pm

Photo of James BrowneJames Browne (Wexford, Fianna Fail)

Amendment No. 211 is a restatement and tweaking of the section dealing with privileged legal material.

Amendment No. 212 inserted a new section into the Bill to provide that the authorised officer of the authority may request copies of records and information from certain officials under other Acts where the information or records are needed in the performance of their duties and a subsequent power to process any information received.

Amendment No. 214 is a consequential amendment recommended by the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel, while amendments Nos. 213, 215 and 217 to 222, inclusive, were necessary minor drafting or technical amendments.

On amendment No. 216, as per the earlier amendment concerning bankruptcy, given the different variations of debt resolution procedures that have been introduced, a reference solely to bankruptcy is insufficient in this section, and this amendment widened the scope.


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