Dáil debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

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Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

United Nations

9:10 am

Photo of Gino KennyGino Kenny (Dublin Mid West, People Before Profit Alliance)

These are abnormal times. Cordiality and protocol should go out the door. If the Tánaiste had been there when this warmonger was speaking, would he have listened or would he have left? Many people from across the world, particularly the developing world, left because they did not want to listen to this man who has killed more than 40,000 people in Gaza, including 21,000 children. If there ever was a situation in the world where people take a principled stand and say, “We do not want to give this man a platform or listen to him”, it was then. We have to go well beyond words in respect of this abnormal state and this warmonger. Again I say to the Tánaiste, when will this Government go beyond words?

I understand Ireland has been a little bit better than most European countries in terms of standing up to what is going on, but we can be much better in terms of going beyond words.


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