Dáil debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

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Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Middle East

10:00 am

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)

I thank the Deputy for raising this question. I attended the extraordinary videoconference meeting of EU foreign ministers on 30 September. I welcomed High Representative Borrell's decision to convene this meeting given the rapidly deteriorating security situation in the Middle East and the emerging escalation in Lebanon in particular. During the meeting, I underlined Ireland's deep concern regarding the humanitarian catastrophe facing the people of Lebanon and those of Gaza and the West Bank. I again reiterated the need for an immediate ceasefire and an urgent scaling up of humanitarian assistance and the need for allies of Israel to put pressure on it to change course and stop the pursuit of war. I also highlighted the importance of co-ordination on consular efforts at EU level and was clear on our support for UNIFIL. Speaking on behalf of the European Union after the meeting, High Representative Borrell renewed calls for an immediate ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel and for both parties to commit to the full implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701. Hezbollah should stop firing rockets. It is worth noting that Hezbollah has fired 10,000 rockets into Israel over the last 12 months. A ceasefire means Hezbollah stopping firing rockets and Israel stopping its incursion and its indiscriminate bombing of Beirut, which is resulting in the killing of many innocent civilians in Lebanon. High Representative Borrell urged respect for international humanitarian law in all circumstances and called on parties in the region to show restraint in the interests of de-escalation.

Unfortunately, since our meeting on 30 September, we have seen a continuing escalation in violence in the region, including a missile attack on Israel by Iran, continuing rocket fire by Hezbollah on Israel, continuing massive Israeli aerial bombardment and ground incursion by Israeli armed forces. Ireland has repeatedly urged all parties to immediately de-escalate. A regional conflict would be disastrous for all the people of the region and, indeed, beyond. The widening of the conflict also further complicates efforts to achieve an urgently needed ceasefire and the release of hostages held in Gaza. It also complicates the immediate delivery of necessary humanitarian assistance at scale into Gaza, where the situation remains catastrophic.

I will have an opportunity to discuss developments in the Middle East with EU colleagues at the next formal meeting of foreign ministers in Luxembourg on 14 October.


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