Dáil debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

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Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Military Aircraft

9:50 am

Photo of Catherine ConnollyCatherine Connolly (Galway West, Independent)

I will send this on to the Tánaiste. These are all documented aeroplanes, either on contract to the US military or otherwise, that landed at Shannon Airport. These were all reported in The Ditch. Ed Horgan has also brought it to our attention. Yesterday, he documented three US warplanes were at Shannon Airport. Is the Tánaiste seriously telling me he is relying on assurances from our friend, America, that is backing Israel to hilt with arms and backing a genocidal war in Gaza? The figures are just incredible. I feel shocked reading out the figures for the deaths in Gaza. I deplore all violence. Let us not go down the route of just singling out one country with that accusation. A total of 16,756 children have been killed; the highest number of children. According to UNRWA, every day, ten children lose one or both legs. I could go on. Some 42,000 Palestinians have been killed and 100,000 have been injured, and this is backed to the hilt by American arms and they have given the thumbs-up. Do you know what they said? Just be more precise in your bombing. Try to avoid civilians.


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