Dáil debates

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

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Financial Resolutions 2024 - Budget Statement 2025


2:50 pm

Photo of Pearse DohertyPearse Doherty (Donegal, Sinn Fein)

The Taoiseach also knows it. That is half of all workers in the State. The tax package for half of all workers in the State will be €369. There was a fairer way to do this. In our budget proposals, Sinn Féin showed how the Government could have cut tax fairly in a way that benefits all workers, including those on low and middle incomes. That is what it should have done. We also would have abolished the USC for the average worker and made sure that no worker paid the USC on the first €45,000 earned. The Government's proposal is for a two-tier system that leaves average workers and the majority of workers in this State benefiting by less than €370. Everybody should have been given a fair share.

As I said, Sinn Féin will stand up for ordinary workers and families. Compare this with the Government, which has not given workers on the lowest wages a decent increase. Sinn Féin called for a €1.10 increase to the minimum wage. That would have meant an extra €2,220 for our low-paid workers.


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