Dáil debates

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation


1:05 pm

Photo of Michael CollinsMichael Collins (Cork South West, Independent)

There is a major wastewater crisis in west Cork which is nothing short of a scandal. In Shannonvale near Clonakilty raw sewage is bursting out of the tanks into a now closed-off play park and seeping down to the waterway that feeds Clonakilty's mains water. This has been going on for 29 years. Dunmanway wastewater treatment plant has awaited upgrading for the past seven years. That led to a serious discharge of sewage into the Bandon river a couple of months ago. The failure of this Government to provide funds for the Dunmanway scheme means that absolutely no housing development can take place in Dunmanway until funding is provided, which could be another five to ten years, according to Uisce Éireann.

In Rosscarbery, Warren beach was closed to the public this year on more than one occasion, due again to an age-old wastewater treatment plant bursting at the seems, as photographs show suspended solids clearly visible. Again, Uisce Éireann says it will be another five to ten years before repairs are carried out. Further west, the wastewater tank in Goleen is more than 25 years waiting for a replacement and raw sewage is entering into the tide running beside it. This is a legacy of the Green, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil Government that has its eye off the ball. There is no accountability with Uisce Éireann and no accountability with the EPA. What is the Minister's answer to the people of Shannonvale, Rosscarbery, Dunmanway and Goleen who have waited decades for wastewater repairs?


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