Dáil debates

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

Homeless Accommodation

10:40 am

Photo of Darragh O'BrienDarragh O'Brien (Dublin Fingal, Fianna Fail)

Supporting individuals and families facing homelessness is an absolute priority for me as Minister and the rest of the Government. Critical to supporting households to exit homelessness is increasing the supply of housing. Last year, almost 12,000 new social homes were delivered through build, acquisition and leasing, including 8,110 new-build homes, representing the highest level of new-build social homes in nearly 50 years. Including HAP and RAS, 21,733 social housing solutions were delivered throughout 2023.

Record State investment of €5 billion has been made available this year to support the State's largest home building programme ever, including 9,300 new-build social homes. This funding will also support the continued tenant in situ scheme, with provision to acquire at least 1,500 social homes where social housing tenants have received notices of termination due to landlords' intention to sell their property. This scheme delivered 1,830 acquisitions last year and was a key prevention measure. It actually ended many unsecure HAP tenancies and converted them to social housing tenancies, and it added to our social housing stock. For private tenants at risk of homelessness who are not in receipt of social housing supports, the cost-rental tenant in situ scheme was introduced. I will be introducing an amendment in the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill to deal specifically with setting up the cost-rental tenant in situ scheme on a legislative basis. It is now set up on an administrative basis and it requires legislation. I will be seeking the support of all Members of the House to get that legislation through as expeditiously as possible.

Budget 2024 allocated over €242 million for the delivery of homeless services. This funding will support the provision of emergency accommodation and supports that households require to exit emergency accommodation to a tenancy. It also includes measures to enhance family support and prevention and early intervention services for children and their families through a multi-agency and co-ordinated response. Local authorities and their service delivery partners will work closely with households in emergency accommodation to support them to secure an exit to a secure tenancy. With a significant increase in social housing stock, I have specifically and personally asked local authorities to ensure sufficient homes are allocated to exit households from emergency accommodation.


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