Dáil debates

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

Fire Safety

10:30 am

Photo of Eoin Ó BroinEoin Ó Broin (Dublin Mid West, Sinn Fein)

It is almost two years since the Minister, Deputy O’Brien, made a commitment to introduce an interim fire safety remediation scheme for people impacted by Celtic tiger-era defects. That scheme opened almost a year ago. As the Minister knows, it has beset by significant delays, many of which, in my view, are of the Minister’s making. Can the Minister give an update on where the interim scheme is, the total number of applicants and the total number of eligible homes? Crucially, can he confirm whether any multi-unit development will see fire safety work commence and finish before the end of the year?


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