Dáil debates
Thursday, 11 July 2024
Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation
1:10 pm
Mark Ward (Dublin Mid West, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source
I am speaking on behalf of the residents of Lucan Lodge Nursing Home and their loved ones. The HSE has taken temporary control of the home and its operation. Lucan Lodge is a test for the State's priorities. Is the Government willing to lose the 74 beds there. The number of nursing home beds has decreased under this Government's watch. I have been constantly calling for engagement between the Department of Health and the owner of Lucan Lodge. This has not happened. The owner has said that he is willing to foot any bill necessary to get Lucan Lodge up to a standard that would allow the residents to remain there. The Government must ensure that the residents of Lucan Lodge are not exposed to transfer trauma. Will the Department of Health engage with the owner, because this has not happened? Can the funds be found to make sure Lucan Lodge is brought up to the required standard and can the residents remain in their home? A solution was found for Cherry Orchard and a solution must be found for the residents of Lucan Lodge and their loved ones.
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