Dáil debates

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

School Accommodation

11:50 am

Photo of David StantonDavid Stanton (Cork East, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Minister for her response and her interest in this matter. Does she agree that things have moved on in the interim? Does she also agree that because of the popularity of the school, the professionalism of the teachers and the desire of more and more parents to send their children there, numbers are growing and that there is a need to look again at the agreement that was arrived at? This was the first school I taught in 46 years ago, if the Minister can believe it. That is a long time. I know the place well, but it is extremely cramped. The Minister of State should note that there is also pressure to have an autism class in the school. The latter is impossible to accommodate because it is so cramped. There is no space. They are teaching in cupboards and working in very small rooms that are way below the statutory requirements for classrooms nowadays. There is a space in the interim to possibly put some Portakabins on site to relieve the pressure, but I put it to the Minister that in the longer term a new building is needed. Will she get her officials to look at this as soon as possible?


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