Dáil debates

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

Industrial Development

9:00 am

Photo of Peter BurkePeter Burke (Longford-Westmeath, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Deputy. The recent announcement from Becton Dickinson, BD, to close its Drogheda facility over the next two and a half years is extremely disappointing, especially for the staff and their families impacted by the decision. I assure the Deputy the Government is on hand to support those employees as they seek alternative employment. IDA Ireland has regularly engaged with BD on potential supports to its four Irish sites, including that in Drogheda. In particular, supports for staff training and upskilling were outlined, along with sustainability and decarbonisation initiatives. On being notified of the BD board decision, the IDA reaffirmed the supports available.

The IDA is committed to working with BD over the next two and a half years to market the Drogheda site to potential new IDA investors. The IDA will also highlight the skills of impacted employees with other employers in the region, given that a number of IDA client companies in the north east are recruiting.

As part of the Government's regional strategy, we will continue to target new investment for the north east, with Drogheda and Dundalk designated as regional growth centres in both the national development plan and Project Ireland 2040. Furthermore, the IDA has added two landbanks in Drogheda and Dundalk to be marketed to potential future investors in the IDA and Enterprise Ireland, EI, portfolios.

I will discuss the BD decision and the company's wider plans in Ireland with the BD leadership team when I meet them on my US trade mission next week. I do realise the stress this is causing, with families having worked for generations at the plant, and what it means to the fabric of Drogheda. I met representatives of SIPTU and the shop steward Trevor was very impressive, outlining the plan and what he thinks went wrong. I agreed to take a submission from him to bring to New York next week.


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