Dáil debates

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Courts, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024: Committee and Remaining Stages


4:55 pm

Photo of Catherine MurphyCatherine Murphy (Kildare North, Social Democrats) | Oireachtas source

I have listened very carefully to the arguments that have been made. Before every recess we have last-minute legislation and things that are rushed. It is possible to get one's head around some of the things that are rushed, but this Bill has potentially very serious consequences and I am not satisfied at all with being told that it is like a pat on the head and that it will only affect a tiny number of people. I am not satisfied with that because the principle is the critical issue.

I do not see how it is fair to ask us to go ahead with the Bill with this section included in the absence of a proper Second Stage debate or pre-legislative scrutiny on this particular aspect. We are here to do a serious job and that job is divided into various stages for very good reasons. Very powerful arguments have been made by the proposer of the amendments to amendment No. 3 that there is real risk associated with proceeding in the way proposed by the Minister tonight. This section needs to be taken out of the Bill. We need to be given time to consult, think and consider something that is of such importance. I do not understand why this requires to be rushed in this way. We are only seeing this for the first time this week. It undermines the good work that goes into legislation when we see this kind of thing happening. I urge the Minister to think carefully on this. The right thing for the Minister to do is to remove this section and give us time to give it further consideration. It is dangerous.


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