Dáil debates

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Domestic Violence

9:50 am

Photo of Helen McEnteeHelen McEntee (Meath East, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

All the components need to come together at the same time. That work is being done. As I said, it is being driven by Cuan, the new domestic violence agency, with the support of my Department and working closely with the Department of housing. All of these projects are being developed through the capital assistance scheme, CAS. We need to make sure that system, and the structure around it, works. It is also about building capacity. We have been equally focused on building capacity on an ongoing basis. We have been collaborating with Safe Ireland to create a comprehensive suite of documents aimed at guiding the development of refuges. That guidance will serve as a blueprint for establishing safe and supportive environments for those who need them. All of that work is under way.

As I outlined, 18 projects are at different stages of development. One of the biggest challenges, as the Deputy referenced, is in respect of the counties that have no facility. In those counties, there may not be a service that is capable of transitioning into a refuge or accommodation. A different type of service may be delivered there, whether counselling or other supports. We need to be able to introduce a service or expand an existing service. That is why the funding is so important. The increase of €30 million over the past number of years is going directly into the services. We must work with the providers to ensure they can expand and use that funding to deliver more services to the people who need them.

As the Deputy noted, the figures and statistics are startling, stark and harrowing to read. However, we now have a much clearer picture of the situation. In the coming years, as we continue to gather data, we will have an even clearer picture of the real extent of this catastrophic problem. Far too many women, children and men are impacted by domestic and sexual violence. If we have the facts and figures, we will know exactly what we need to do. That is what we are doing in respect of the provision of refuge and accommodation. The Deputy has my commitment that we are working towards a doubling of our refuge and accommodation spaces in the lifetime of the strategy. That work is under way by way of the 18 projects I referenced.

The work will not stop when the current strategy finishes at the end of 2026. Work will continue, I hope, into the next strategy to make sure we deliver even more safe spaces. Work is already under way through Cuan to find a pathway for people out of refuge and accommodation and to provide other forms of support for individuals, most notably support to keep people in their home. It is really important that victims are not forced out of their home. That is a separate strand of work and it is very much under way.


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