Dáil debates

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Ceisteanna - Questions

British-Irish Co-operation

1:20 pm

Photo of Ruairi Ó MurchúRuairi Ó Murchú (Louth, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

The so-called legacy Bill of the previous British Government is callous, cruel and irredeemable in its entirety. The intention of the British Government was clear, that inquests and investigations would go unfinished and families would remain without truth or justice, which they deserve. We all understand why the British Government did this. That particular British Government was not willing to accept anything relating to its role in the dirty war in Ireland. I am certain the Taoiseach will join me in welcoming the commitment of the new British Prime Minister to its repeal. Sinn Féin has consistently advocated for the implementation of a victim-centred approach, agreed as part of the Stormont House Agreement, of which the Government is a co-guarantor.

Will the Taoiseach outline how he intends to engage with the new British Government to ensure the unwinding of the previous Government's cynical attempt to forever deny justice and to deliver the victim-centred approach that has been called for? I add my voice to that of Deputy Boyd Barrett. The fact is that while we need to see truth and justice, particularly regarding the Dublin and Monaghan bombings and the involved of the British state in that action, causing the death of so many citizens, we need to make sure that any information and files required by the families and others for the investigation are provided by the State. Some of those relate to this State's failings.


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