Dáil debates

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions


2:05 pm

Photo of Simon HarrisSimon Harris (Wicklow, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I welcome the opportunity to again discuss the important issue of housing and affordable housing in this House. Dublin City Council is perfectly entitled to seek a meeting with the Minister. I am sure he will be responding to that. In general, it is a good thing for local and national government personnel to have opportunities to meet and engage. As the Deputy points out, councillors from right across the political spectrum, including my own councillors for whom the Deputy does not speak, very much welcome the opportunity to have a meeting and engagement with the housing Minister.

We should not misrepresent the facts or conflate issues which are entirely separate. Right across Ireland, the price of an average affordable purchase home being delivered under Government schemes is €267,000. That is what Government schemes are delivering in terms an average price across Dublin in terms of affordable housing. Prices in Oscar Traynor Woods start at €264,000. A-rated new affordable purchase homes are at prices that are 19% to 21% lower than market prices. This is made possible by a subsidy through the local authority shared equity scheme and it is worth noting.

The Deputy brings this up on a regular basis, as is her right. She suggests that there seems to be very little interest in this. However, my understanding is that there have already been around 300 expressions of interest from members of the public looking to purchase these homes.


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