Dáil debates

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Wastewater Treatment

11:35 pm

Photo of Danny Healy-RaeDanny Healy-Rae (Kerry, Independent) | Oireachtas source

I am glad to get the opportunity to raise with the Minister of State this evening the question of funding for two estates that lie together on the top Aghadoe - Birch Hill and Old Killarney Village. There is a problem with the sewerage systems, for which planning permission was granted. Kerry County Council has cited problems with this going back almost ten years. In 2020, funding was given by the Department of 75% of the cost; €401,000 was given at that time, leaving a shortfall of €135,000. Those figures were based on a certain route the sewer was to take from the two estates down to the public system, which goes into the Killarney treatment plant. That route could not be attained; there were problems with the wayleaves. Since then, the Minister of State will appreciate that costs have gone up. That was in 2020 and it is now 2024. A new, longer route that is more costly was identified. The cost is more than €1.3 million. On 21 June last, the longest day of the year, the Department of housing and local government committed to making €992,673 available, leaving 25% of the cost, €330,891, to be funded from local contributions, the details of which will have to be discussed with Uisce Éireann. Who will make up the shortfall? The householders cannot be asked for a contribution because they have already paid for their houses and the treatment plant, which they were told by Kerry County Council was adequate because it signed off on it. Uisce Éireann is already struggling outside of this. It does not have the funding. The council does not have the funding either. Where will the shortfall come from? If the Government is serious about addressing this problem, will it make up the shortfall? There are problems there with smells and pollution that will unavoidably finish up in the lakes of Killarney, which are important to our tourism product. It is going on long enough; it is waiting to be addressed for more than ten years. If €330,000 is not found, will the Government make up the shortfall? There is nowhere we can get the money in Kerry for it. Like I said, the householders cannot be asked. Uisce Éireann is struggling as it is. It was in the headlines today that it is in trouble all over the country. Kerry County Council does not have the funding either.


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