Dáil debates

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Ceisteanna - Questions

Cross-Border Co-operation

4:45 pm

Photo of Simon HarrisSimon Harris (Wicklow, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank colleagues for raising a number of issues. Without commenting on individual decisions of the courts, it is absolutely the case that the epidemic of violence by men against women and attacking women does not stop at any border. I say in the spirit of co-operation that there is more we can do on the island together. I know we will have willing interlocutors in the Northern Ireland Executive in relation to this matter.

I am not making jibes at Deputy McDonald, but we do engage in politics on occasion, which I respect. I also take very seriously the role that I currently have as co-guarantor of the Good Friday Agreement. I take that extremely seriously. I have said it to the First Minister of Northern Ireland. I had a very good meeting with her and with the deputy First Minister. I am very eager to continue to have that and am absolutely very eager to support the Northern Ireland Executive in each and every way we can. I will do that in all of my conversations with the new British Prime Minister.

I genuinely believe that in the Governments of Ireland and Britain and the Northern Ireland Executive, we now have leadership in place that wants to fulfil the full potential of the Good Friday Agreement. I welcome the changed approach that the British Government has indicated and I know the Deputy does too. It is a moment for reset, as I have heard the Deputy, Keir Starmer and the First Minister say too. Over the next period of time we must all show what we mean by that and show what that reset looks like in action. We must have the reset and show the people of these islands what such a reset actually looks like. Yes, I will continue to support the First Minister and deputy First Minister. We are engaging with Ministers in the Northern Ireland Executive and there is a very welcome programme of engagement between Ministers North and South. I have been looking at that list of those bilateral meetings that are taking place. We are due to have a plenary meeting of the North-South Ministerial Council in Dublin in September.

On the issue of Casement Park, I welcome the comments in recent days by Hilary Benn, the new Northern Ireland Secretary of State, in which he said he is committed to the project. We are very committed to it as well. The Deputy will be aware that we have already indicated a financial commitment and we will not be found wanting in continuing to work with the British Government on this. I hope to have a chance to talk to the British Prime Minister about this when we meet formally next week. I still think we should keep the ambition alive of delivering this project in time for Euro 2028. It would be a terrible shame and a terrible pity for these islands to host the tournament and for a game not to be played in Northern Ireland. I will work with the Deputy constructively on that and with the Northern Ireland Executive and the British Government.

On Deputy Boyd Barrett's point, I doubt the British Prime Minister wants my advice on policy measures outside of those relating to the Good Friday Agreement and our role as co-guarantor. I look forward to engaging with him on any topic. I thank the Deputy for his perspective.

Deputy Murphy asked about emissions. We saw very encouraging figures from the EPA today. I accept the point made by the Deputy that when we look at different sectors, we can show there is more work to be done in some areas than in others. We have seen a significant reduction in our emissions targets. I will get an update for the Deputy on the timeline for the all-island rail review. I am conscious that I am over time.

Deputy Brendan Smith raised a very good idea about workplace enterprise centres, which somewhat ties in with Deputy Ó Murchú's question on whether we can use the shared island initiative and the Northern Ireland Executive to look at issues around workers, enterprise, co-working spaces and cross-Border workers. I will engage with both Deputies on that.


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