Dáil debates

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Ceisteanna ó Cheannairí - Leaders' Questions


2:15 pm

Photo of Simon HarrisSimon Harris (Wicklow, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

Those are figures that are clearly for Dublin City Council to provide. I presume that is where the Deputy is progressing it, and that is the right and appropriate place. However, the Deputy continues to misrepresent our position on housing. This is Government that is absolutely building and ensuring that homes are built on State-owned lands. We set up the LDA - I think the Deputy opposed it - and it is currently actively advancing development on 16 sites across Ireland capable of delivering around 6,000 homes, including on State lands. In Cork, we see that the first phase of a total expected delivery of 265 homes is now under construction at St. Kevin's Hospital. In Naas, 219 homes are being delivered at Devoy Barracks. We have a major project under way in County Dublin at Shanganagh with our local authority partnering as well. We are working in a whole variety of ways to provide housing solutions - public lands, private lands, public homes, private homes and social homes.

Sinn Féin leads the Government in Northern Ireland; I lead the Government in the Republic of Ireland. In Northern Ireland, 1,500 homes will be commenced this year. So far, we have commenced 33,000 homes in the Republic. We have delivered the highest number of social houses since the 1970s. Sinn Féin cut its targets-----


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