Dáil debates

Thursday, 4 July 2024

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Planning Issues

3:40 pm

Photo of Kieran O'DonnellKieran O'Donnell (Limerick City, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Deputies for raising this matter. The national children's science centre, NCSC, aims to provide an interactive science museum that will include over 200 scientific exhibits, interactive science spaces and demonstration areas, as well as a lecture and planetarium space. I understand that it is intended that these facilities will interact with science curriculum activity in schools, scientific organisations and related technological groups. This is consistent with the Government's policy on the promotion of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, STEM, as outlined in the Department of Education's policy statement 2017-2026.

The development of the national children’s science centre received a notification of a decision to grant planning permission from Dublin City Council on 23 November 2022. Following a third-party appeal from two parties, An Bord Pleanála issued a grant of planning permission in March 2024. The planning submission made by the OPW, along with the response to the third-party appeal issued to An Bord Pleanála, addressed all the issues raised regarding any possible impacts to the Iveagh Gardens. This is supported by An Bord Pleanála within the report of the inspectors. The concerns expressed in the petition from the Save the Iveagh Gardens group were addressed as part of the OPW planning application made in 2022. An Bord Pleanála accepted the OPW’s submission in its decision.

The national children’s science centre will re-establish some of the historic links that existed as part of the original Iveagh Garden 1865 design that was broken due to the construction of the current wall in 1909. It is important to note that the original 1865 exhibition design incorporated the exhibition building and the Iveagh Gardens as one entity. With the establishment of the university at Earlsfort Terrace, the Iveagh Gardens location was separated by a wall. The new building will not encroach on the Iveagh Gardens. It will allow universal access to the gardens from Earlsfort Terrace which is currently not possible.

During 2021, arbitration proceedings were brought by Irish Children’s Museum Limited, as the Deputy referred to. The arbitrator found in favour of the ICML in June 2022. The arbitrator has yet to reconvene the parties to the case following the recent grant of planning permission in March 2024. The subject of this determination is likely to set out timelines for the procurement of the project by the OPW. Provision for the national children’s science centre is not included in the 2023 Estimates as the arbitration proceedings were ongoing. The Government has yet to decide which Government Department or Departments will be the funder of this building. The details of the conditions of the planning permission are currently being assessed and an update on the total project costs will be determined soon. Following the arbitration process, the OPW has a legal obligation to construct the national children's science centre.


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