Dáil debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

6:00 pm

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)

On the pay issue, there are significant changes. We have removed the requirement for a private to mark time for the first three years. We have provided for payment of the full rate of military service allowance to all. The patrol duty allowance is being doubled. New public service pay agreements will apply. All of this means that on completion of training, which takes approximately 24 weeks, recruits will now start on €39,321 in year one, move to €40,718 in year two and to €42,005 in year three. A graduate cadet, on commissioning, starts on a pay scale, which includes military service allowance, from €48,505, depending on the type of appointment. A school-leaver cadet starts on €43,000. That is above most starting rates across the public service. We need to develop a more positive narrative about the Defence Forces than some Deputies have suggested today.


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