Dáil debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Tackling All Forms of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Statements


2:55 pm

Photo of Denise MitchellDenise Mitchell (Dublin Bay North, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

When the sentencing guidelines committee was brought in under the Judicial Council Act, we were promised a fundamental reform of our approach to domestic, sexual and gender-based violence. The programme for Government committed to tackling the epidemic this country faces. However, Ireland is still an unsafe place for women. Week after week, we have seen sentences handed down for the most horrific crimes that would not put confidence in any victim who was considering the pressing of charges. It is estimated that 80% of cases of sexual violence do not even get reported. That is a political and societal problem we all have to solve. Victims of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence are reluctant to come before the courts. From their point of view, they have little chance of proper justice. The Women's Aid annual report for 2023 noted 40,000 disclosures of abuse towards women and children. That is an 18% increase on the 2022 statistics. We do not know whether increases are a spike in violence or in incidents being reported, due to the lack of data being held by the Garda. We have an over-reliance on charities to carry out much of the work the State should be doing and successive Governments have outsourced the problem. We need a co-ordinated approach from the Government if we are to truly get to the bottom of this epidemic. The lack of follow-up actions in recent years increases the distrust of victims towards our political and justice system. We all need to do better for women. The Minister, Deputy McEntee, deserves credit for the most comprehensive strategy and implementation plan. However, the resources and funding need to follow if people are to see real change on the ground. We need to restore confidence for victims. We need to know, when a woman comes forward and files a report against her attacker, that she will be supported in every way.


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