Dáil debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

Cabinet Committees

4:30 pm

Photo of Mary Lou McDonaldMary Lou McDonald (Dublin Central, Sinn Fein)

I do not know whether the issue of support for Mrs. von der Leyen to have another term of office leading the European Commission came up at the Taoiseach's Cabinet committee on Government co-ordination. The Taoiseach might advise us whether it did. I find it absolutely extraordinary that a Government that professes to be serious about Palestinian rights would weigh in behind von der Leyen for a second term. His explanation earlier notwithstanding, it is scandalous and certainly does not represent the sentiment of Irish people, or people internationally for that matter, who increasingly recognise that Israeli impunity must end, that Israel must be held to account and that leaders who are absolutely determined and serious on that point are needed. I ask him to clarify to the House whether he has raised the issue of Israel with von der Leyen. Has he raised that subject? Has he confronted her outrageous behaviour in standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel and with a deranged Israeli Government that is hell bent on the destruction of Palestinian lives? Can he give us that clarity? Did he have that conversation and what was the nature of that conversation? What did the Taoiseach say to her and how did she respond?


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