Dáil debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Diplomatic Representation

9:50 am

Photo of Cathal CroweCathal Crowe (Clare, Fianna Fail)

I agree with all of the sentiments expressed by the Tánaiste. Diplomacy is a delicate skill that absolutely has to be always practised in the right way. It is good that there is a pathway for people in other Departments to transition across to the Department of Foreign Affairs. However, I again make the point that there are many people who represent Ireland, some of whom will be doing so in the Olympic sphere this summer. It is a different type of leadership and a different way of representing our country. There are many people who really carry the flag very well for Ireland. There are also people in this House who will not be coming back after the next election. Deputies on both sides of the House have already announced that they will be retiring. Some who have already served in political office would make excellent ambassadors.

In the context of Global Ireland 2025, the Tánaiste might briefly explain if there are further plans to place our diplomatic imprint on the world beyond that being made by our existing 69 embassies. Global Ireland 2025 is a fantastic initiative led by the Department of Foreign Affairs. The year 2025 is only a few months away. Beyond Bogotá, Amman, Santiago de Chile, Manila, Rabat, Kyiv and Monrovia, are there plans for other embassies?


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